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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Well another week has come and gone. Huge rain event in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and parts of Alberta. Big heavy rain does not make grain. We had a total on one inch in the time period. It was a nice amount with very little pooling of water. Ground moisture is back to peak and we actually probably don't need none till the last week of July to fill nice and turn. What we really need now is heat and not the Chemical. Warm days and nights. This temp thing has me a little worried. Time will tell.
    So here we go.
    Peas we are all over the map with this crop. One half looks really nice and filling really nice almost done flowering. One half has issues with Heat and hawks beard but that is another story. That half has drowned out areas that disease has shown up. But higher ground podded nice and is shutting down. Last fields needs a hail storm a disc a what ever. Flooded early then root rot from years of peas. Should of burnt the heavy wheat trash but hey it was a very dry spring thought why dry it up some more. Well it was a bad decision since flooding and springs has taken there toll. So 1/3 nice 1/3 ok and 1/3 not worth shit.
    Wheat most have finished or just finishing spraying Prosaro or Caramba or what ever on the wheat crop. Midge were out a bit to the East of us and a few did spray. We are down to last half section of fungicide and the sprayer will be parked. "Yea right".
    Fields that were wet last year with high ground water didn't recover as good as I hoped after the May long storms. They are nice but not like Wow or any thing like that. Wheat on well drained soil or Ditched land looks really nice. Don't think it will be as good as our 2013 HRS but it is nice. Some leaf disease was seen at time of spraying.
    Durum experiment that has not gone that great is Headed and sprayed twice. Once at flag and then at head. Time will tell but poor seed has issues with lots of open area and now wild oats.
    Canola is either finished Cabbage and Full Bloom. Spraying is done or just about done. Have a few new test Fungicides from a few companies. Nothing major to report yet but time will tell. Our usual seems to be doing just fine. Spots that were sick and flooded in May have plants now and are filling in. Those spots will produce but not major amounts. Rest looks nice with very big leaf matter and nice healthy plants. Tissue tests showed only Boron was a little low. The next two weeks weather will tell.
    Barley is really tall this year not sure why but it seems every one has tall barley. Sprayed just as head in boot and looking real nice.
    Oats we don't have but most are in spraying fungicide mode and look real good. Very little oats this year in our area. More barley.
    Soy doesn't have that Awesome look like other years but filled in nice and starting to head to the flowering stage.
    The one guy with Corn it is Wow. Growing like a weed. Looks great.
    Lentils the few that have are busy spraying a third time and looks to me like lots of plant and very few if any seeds. Maybe not the year for them in our area.
    Flax has recovered on good ground and early bloom.
    Pastures are really nice and thick and hay is starting to be cut. Weather is a issue with on and off rain.
    So things are progressing along rather nice. Its no Bin buster but a Normal crop. Lodging is happening on certain fields or areas where heavy showers keep following. Weeds are showing up in all crops as it has been wet and lots of new growth has happened. Next big thing that we might have to spray for is Diamond back moths. Just saying. Midge was a non issue in our area.
    So maybe we will finally get a rest from chasing up and down in the sprayer or planes or choppers. Maybe its Craven or Bust or Beach retreat. Ag in motion next week by Saskatoon. I went last year was fun to look at different varieties from each seed company in little test plots. The demonstrations etc. Hey only problem will be parking in that field if it rains lots.
    So be safe enjoy the Summer as the days are starting to get shorter.
    Happy farming because its only a crop that the companies will take and leave you with the scraps. Family at home is way more important than any thing else.

    Lucked out with only 1 inch of rain this week. Fungicides are all done. Have 2 quarters of canola that we missed the staging on with lance..with the crappy weather around just could not to get to it in time...on the plus side good test to see if it paid or not. To my surprise did not see a lot of mushrooms this year. I also know that int the past that I could not find them either and sclroentinia was a problem anyways. Cereals look really good as well to. Went the flag route only this year and did not bother at head. Have have lucked out doing it this way in the past but I admit this is the year I could get stung badly but we will see. Manipulator on Pasteur wheat all I can say is wow what a difference.Left a check strip, its laying flat on its face and everything else that i sprayed is perfect. See how the year goes but if this works out Im leaning toward cutting out CWRS completely next year and pushing Pastuer hard, spraying with Manipulator and selling as feed. We will see.

    All and all crop looks good yet there is a lot of variation. Could be a good one but lots of time and weather in front of us. Things could change in a hurry so im not calling it bumper yet.


      Rain was variable during that storm!! One inch at my farm, either directions varied up to two inches. It lodged my early durum, not bad though. Going to spray Prassaro today. Biggest thing on everyone's mind is the lentil crop. Some fields have nothing but growth, very few flowers or pods. The trade believes the flood is a "non issue", guess time will tell. I guess with the massive acreage increase there can be some fields that will be below avg yield, and the others will make up for it. Really curious how the lentil on lentil fields look? Maybe that's the new rotation to come if it works this yr!!


        Canola not cabbaging. Sending up measly little buds with 5 spindly little leaves at ankle height. That is on the hills though. Half the fields are turning back from green, to the color of stubble, because that is getting to be all that is left, stubble.

        But my canola was late. The earlier stuff was able to use a bit of water, so it was not affected as badly so far. I have one field up on some higher land, and it probably will fare better to an extent.

        Rain total of 6 inches the last week. Soil was saturated before the rain. Runoff was huge, lots of road issues.

        Hello crop insurance, ruts, 15 bushel canola, and goodbye grain farming.



          Maybe agristability will pay you out?


            Sounds like a real train wreck freewheat
            Hopefully Agri stability kicks in to help you .
            When we had 3 years drought then the 04 frost we basically got nothing from crop ins or any other program . Brought a lot of farms in this area to our knees at the time . It's not fun when there is no extra help and at the time we had very limited off farm income .
            I hope something kicks in for you guys that really need it .
            Glad to hear your crops are in good s/f , those with good crops will be blessed compared to many many others .
            We should be just above ave here on all crops if we get it . Will be dedicating peas within 30 days here . Crops now advancing quickly but now in heart of storm season , so long way to go yet


              Weather alert just issued again for here south through Rosetown - again . Man that area as well can't get a break


                Drove from Edmonton to 2 hours east of Saskatoon. Looking good. Thought I would see more bin crews cause its going to be big.


                  Don't bank on Ag Stab... not the way it is now or the years of shit luck some of the areas/people had. It will likely have to be ad-hoc for some. Ag-Stab is a gutted piece of shit....maybe I should start calling it Stab-Ag.

                  When all insurance coverage has been diminished to nothing because of weather circumstances beyond your control, maybe special circumstances need special attention.

                  Maybe we need another program to turn all farmers into truckers again...**** me.

                  Also, isn't freewheat on record as wanting to "go it alone". My advice would be to "put the pride on the shelf". Some things are clearly beyond our control .
                  Last edited by farmaholic; Jul 14, 2016, 12:40.


                    4.6" here in July already following 4.6" in June, things are wet. Got corn hailed on the weekend, oats/hairy vetch badly hailed. Millet drowning out/smothered by weeds. Grass is phenomenal, huge supplies of silage stored away. Wet ground and ample grass gives additional opportunities for animal impact to speed covering the soil with litter/armour and increasing organic matter. Life is good.

                    Some pasture about to be grazed for the second time this year and its only July 14th.
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                    Ideal animal impact after grazing, helping feed the underground critters that build our soil.
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Size:	99.6 KB
ID:	764977


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