Ah its fun to watch as a very nice farm that sold to the Ontario teachers pension fund will now be available to the public to rent for 2017 2018 and 2019.
For one thing the original owner did very well on the sale and as far as I am concerned hit the top of the market. Well done and way to go.
But a smart business man knows and watches and builds when times are right and every thing is always for sale.
Now the Genius from Down east who believed land is king and pension funds should purchase property in Saskatchewan your not so bright. The same genius who took Canada pension funds and purchased property in Southern Saskatchewan. Really the Crown owned all the land originally then sold, gave away to settlers or still has and they are trying to unload it the same Government is investing your dollars in land.
So a 13000 acre farm is on the market as a rental agreement could not be achieved with the original owner and OPP.
I for one would have done the same thing, Get a very very nice price for the property, rent it back and create a nice exit package, pay them what they want after your paid in full, then low ball or go with the normal rent for the area. That's good business.
This isn't lentil country boys its Canola and Wheat and peas country.
Yes were watching with interest the Rentera sight to see what happens. Maybe we will bid maybe not. I for one believe a average rent from locals will be around the 50 dollar or less mark not the 80 plus there hoping for.
So to all the Big Dogs in Saskatchewan here is your chance to farm in a area where other Famous farms from Broad Ass to One Direction farmed and Ended!
For one thing the original owner did very well on the sale and as far as I am concerned hit the top of the market. Well done and way to go.
But a smart business man knows and watches and builds when times are right and every thing is always for sale.
Now the Genius from Down east who believed land is king and pension funds should purchase property in Saskatchewan your not so bright. The same genius who took Canada pension funds and purchased property in Southern Saskatchewan. Really the Crown owned all the land originally then sold, gave away to settlers or still has and they are trying to unload it the same Government is investing your dollars in land.
So a 13000 acre farm is on the market as a rental agreement could not be achieved with the original owner and OPP.
I for one would have done the same thing, Get a very very nice price for the property, rent it back and create a nice exit package, pay them what they want after your paid in full, then low ball or go with the normal rent for the area. That's good business.
This isn't lentil country boys its Canola and Wheat and peas country.
Yes were watching with interest the Rentera sight to see what happens. Maybe we will bid maybe not. I for one believe a average rent from locals will be around the 50 dollar or less mark not the 80 plus there hoping for.
So to all the Big Dogs in Saskatchewan here is your chance to farm in a area where other Famous farms from Broad Ass to One Direction farmed and Ended!