And as for complaining about our lot in life, I also work in the oil industry, as DID most of my neighbors. It is ugly. I may not have a lot of sympathy for many of these folks considering the lifestyle they were living, but many people have been a year or more with NO work. Houses are being foreclosed, toys are all gone, school enrollment is way down. Those who are working are getting half in many cases. It is affecting every business, retail, restaurants etc.
Farming looks pretty good right now. I'll take good crops and mediocre prices over terrible crops and tremendous prices any day. We all have the option of growing something else, or working for someone else, and it seems we don't take that option, so we must be doing OK.
Farming looks pretty good right now. I'll take good crops and mediocre prices over terrible crops and tremendous prices any day. We all have the option of growing something else, or working for someone else, and it seems we don't take that option, so we must be doing OK.