When is this weather cycle going to break! 2005,2006,2007 mud, flooded out crop and fight to get around in the fields. 2010 a complete disaster! 2012 flooded out ! 2014 flooded out! 2016 flooded out!!WTF is going on!!! It time to give up trying to grow a crop east of the #6 highway in this province!!! If I hear one more sask ag crop specialist spouting off on the radio about a good crop and minimal damage from rain to the 2016 crop I am going to make it my mission to get them fired!!! If you are an idiot and have no idea what is going on outside your cubicle then keep your mouth shut. YOU WANT TO TALK TO AN EXPERT ON FARMING THEN ASK A FARMER NOT SOME GOVERNMENT EMPLOYED LEACH!!! SAME GOES FOR ALL YOU SO CALLED MARKET EXPERTS, SHUT UP AND **** OFF! WHAT IS THE CROP GONNA YIELD..... HOW BOUT NONE OF YOUR ****** business!!! You are nothing but a useless middle man that none of us farmers need living off us!! IF YOU HAVE NO SKIN IN THE GAME THEN SHUT UP AND **** OFF!!!!!!!!
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Eastern Sask has become a dumping ground for rain
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I can't imagine the feelings of futility with the incessant assault from the rain. Yet there are some who think there can never be too much. The radar looked ****ing intense in East Central Sask today. Tornado warnings. ......any reports of a tornado touchdown or hail, and how much rain fell?
Looks like Yorkton got hammered, but we dodged a bullet. Not like it matters anymore for my crops. When you can hunt gophers in a full bloom canola crop, it tells you how much rain makes grain.
We were just up in Archerwill tonight, they have some of the best crops I have seen in my travels so far this year. At least my buddy up there is looking at some awesome canola and wheat. 40 miles. Night and day. I really gotta take some pics. You folks would not believe it. I have one 220 acre field I honestly will be surprised if it goes much more than 5. 40% is completely gone, as in no plants.
The worst thing about it is that I truly have the worst crops I have seen anywhere this year. It is tough to behold.
Cubin - were you not calling for a major drought pay off at the end of June last year ???
Oh yah only for 12,000 AC plus guys ?? Hmmmmm
Oh ya that's right you did , because you "big" guys were the only ones contributing to the farm economy - that's right - well , suck it up
There are a lot of guys about to loose that and some of you piss and moan about 20-30 % ?
That's life around here
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