C'mon guys! Many on here are making it sound like we're living in a third world, unstable country. Most on here take more vacations in a year than the average working person. Take a trip to a middle east muslim nation this winter and see what life would be like for you and your wife ( dog on a leash in those countries ) Most have enough equity in their farm to retire on, some here say " the crop is screwed!" then in the next post they say " looks like an average crop" I'll take average! Rope will be half price for those who need it most!
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Rope for sale.....Again!
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Stonepicker I like your thinking, but lets keep the rope comments to a minimum. Suicide rates on farms is at a all time high.
We do live in a third world, unstable country and the reality of that will sink in to more as time goes on. Real income per capita is falling fast in Canuckistan but very unevenly so many will not notice. Hyper government borrowing Federally and in Ontario and Alberta is also masking the speed of the decline. Younger farmers today have to compete with ill gotten Chinese gain to maintain their lively hood which is why the many can retire off their farms. Who imagined that scenario 20 years ago? I don't need to travel to a Muslim country as the darkness of Islam is being imported into this one and Islam is to be avoided at all times.
Some areas have had another 3 to 4 inches in the last week so I really don t think its that funny! Even the average fields now are in question as just take a look at the weeks forecast for many areas.
Wheat, peas, barleys are sprouting not swathed. Its not a good situation at all, Harpster and freeride killed the agristability programs and marijuana man doesn't seem to know what it even is so not good at all for many farm families struggling. Not a joke at all!!!
Primary Ag Production is one of the meanest industries in the western world.
Not for the faint of heart or anyone who knows better!!
Anyone whose done it knows.... Lying thieves, Mother Nature(the mean side), gougers and stealers, being held hostage, everyone either trying to squeeze your last dollar out of you or not paying you properly for your efforts... This isn't a negative comment... it's reality. Unreal risk!
I gotta be honest, this site is full of radicals. I rarely come on here anymore or even bother commenting when i see marketing (which i thought this site was for) comments that are clearly wrong. I used to try and now i don't bother. In every market there are bears and bulls. Every bullish market has bearish concerns. If you bring them up here you are branded as trying to steal from farmers. Give it a rest already.
Half the people here think ag business is the enemy. Most couldn't cut it outside primary production with that attitude. Good luck making a living with a job. Not a chance. People with that attitude get nowhere. Most ag business is high volume low margin. Yes some years there is margin and other years losses. Same as every business. Most people in agriculture positions were raised on family farms, and many still farm on the side. Do you really think those people are out to screw every farmer they can find?? The grass isn't greener on the other side. Just a different type of grass.
Maybe the reason there is such a collection of angry people on this site is that like minds attract one another. You are what you eat.
I see some people on twitter, like SF3 who is obvious less angry then he portrays on here. Maybe the anonymity allows people to act like this. I don't know but there is a million other places one can spend their spare time then listen for 3 months how the crop is toast and the trade has no clue.
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