Oh I think he knows the state of the lenil crop.....it's his business....he damn well better know.
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Absolutely he know the state of the lentil crop but still the buyers are trying to hold our heads over a barrel on a difficult harvest - that's the issue
My question is why good yellow peas are at $7 ? The market is not scrambling to fill boats right now ?? Again I could be missinformed though.
How dare you ask those questions furrow.... you're being an asshole and hard to deal with!!! Don't you know the market is ALWAYS right and even more right at harvest time!
Now be a good farmer and don't ask too many questions, you should know that as long as you're bent over everything will be good but heaven forbid you stand up! That's where the asshole and hard to deal with comment will come from!
Ache4acres, i like your comment! Nice to see you have a sense of humor in a tough year. Some others like sk3 need to lighten up, unless your brain dead it should've been obvious that i wasn't poking fun at farm suicides ( and like most suicides there's usually a bunch of underlying circumstances, i would say farming itself is a small one ) Keep up your bitching and complaining over nothing, pretty soon your type will be the only ones left on this site. Life is too short. I'd rather watch bugs bunny.
Lol , yup God forbid you see something and stand up and say wtf ??
I know once in a while we , and I , give S/F a hard time but at the end of the day if we all don't say something, they - the whole Ag Industry will and has no problem raping and pillaging our pockets
And lately it's been far , far out of hand . A good example was the excessive texts and alerts by Cargil and P& H about buying fert at the end of May for 2027 within hours of it dropping $50 to $100 a tonne - if that was not a wake up call you deserve to go broke as a farmer if you still continue to do business with them - that was a horrible move on their part - and guess what ?? It still cheaper today then when they put out that massive panic .....
They whole industry is priced on the 300 bus corn , 80 bus soybean , 70 bus canola , 80 bus wheat , 120 bus barley, 200 bus oats et all , when it's an impossibility for 80% of us in North America . Yes good yields happen and always will on a few acres , but it's impossible across the board but the retail pricing reflects that and it killing our average profitabilty for all of us. This includes all machinery manufactures - way out of hand . # 1 is parts - it's obscene what's going on.
I was told that directly several times by those in the input company lines - that is what they price their products off, charge what the market can bear pluss 30% - in Canada we just say - it is what it is - sorry
But at the end of the day , there are still farmers buy into the whole system - so it will not slow down till they do .
Farming is not for the weak! We haven't seen shitty yields and low prices and watch countries like the USA and Europe support their farmers yet in Canada we have to go head to head.
But thats life.
All i try to do is get farmers to think a little out side the box.
Your best friend isn't your Banker, Chem dealer, Equipment dealer, Fert Dealer or elevator company guy.
They are all here to get the most out of you MR Farmer!
So yes Furrow is right if we all just keep taking it then the Games can continue.
Stop once and see what happens.
Stone I know what you were joking about. I caught it.
Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View PostFarming is not for the weak! We haven't seen shitty yields and low prices and watch countries like the USA and Europe support their farmers yet in Canada we have to go head to head.
But thats life.
All i try to do is get farmers to think a little out side the box.
Your best friend isn't your Banker, Chem dealer, Equipment dealer, Fert Dealer or elevator company guy.
They are all here to get the most out of you MR Farmer!
So yes Furrow is right if we all just keep taking it then the Games can continue.
Stop once and see what happens.
Stone I know what you were joking about. I caught it.
That's funny SF3 you are so far inside the box though you can't see the light of day through the crack in the lid. Tell me about outside the box when you have quit using any one of the 5 input suppliers you listed above. Tell me about your cover crops, organic crops, grass breaks in the rotation, your livestock or your alternate marketing of crops. Go ahead, make the break and jump off the treadmill instead of just complaining about the mainstream commodity game you are playing now. Talk is cheap - so go ahead and "stop once and see what happens".
Grass you have no clue!
Rtk you get it as a group we would win so big it's not even funny!
But like this site shows divide and they win most can't agree we have a problem Huston!
Ah here is another one no high protein wheat yet elevators have basically nothing if you have high protein good wheat ah yea they work with us
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