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Bayer maybe you can't get any more out of us!

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    Bayer maybe you can't get any more out of us!

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    So yes the rumours are true.

    Bayer is coming knocking at your door Mr Farmer demanding a extra $10.00 a acre for seed. But this time there is no adjusting of the price or Liberty down ward to help with there supposed new direction the company is taking.

    See your also going to pay a extra 1 per app of Liberty so those in a two pass will get blessed with only $2,00 more dollars a acre for chemical along with the $10.00 for seed.

    So on a average farm with a 1000 acres Bayers new Blood money is $12,000.00 If you say it fast its not that bad of a donation to the buy the Roundup company trust thats going on.

    So farmers the company is asking you to help take out a competitor by paying blood money up front, in a way your slashing your own throat before the firing squad kills you off. We are losing out as farmers and not one single politician or Canola group gives a rats ass.

    Oh do you get shares in the new company you just helped buy. No you get jack shit is what you get.

    Now bayer is blaming the increase on a new direction the company is going ( thats shop talk for we are going to gouge you Mr Farmer for your last .2Cents) Oh and the Retailers were Crying that there cut wasnt big enough to help them out for all the work they had to do. WTF unload the seed trucks get it out to the farmers as fast as they can and then Bill the farmers the next hour. WTF did they actually do to deserve the supposed extra $12.00 a acre. Sweet F$%K all is what they did.

    Well farmers pick your poisons is this latest shit show in farming going to cost your farm a extra 12000, 24000 36000 48000 60000 or 1.2 million or more.

    Maybe its time for farmers to start telling these companies to stick there products up there ass and take the hats and freebees and shove them up there also.

    The cupboard is bare Bayer you can't get any more money out of a stone.

    Lets look at the math.

    Seed 100 acre

    Spray 50

    Fert 150

    Basics of growing a crop now add your costs of machinery labour and a dollar a acre for you. Bayer gets more on the increase with liberty.

    Say you average 60 Im being real kind at 9

    540.a acre. Thats 140 left for all your costs Mr Farmer.

    Something is wrong when CEOs keep asking for more and more and more from the Primary producer and maybe finally at todays price we can't provide you with your blood money.

    I have come to the conclusion this fall that its not the Variety that is giving the yield but what we as farmers are putting in and doing plus a little help from Mother nature. Seed is needed but not the main component as most varieties will yield within a bushel or two of the newest and greatest out there.

    So as of now All bayer products have been Canceled on our farm from here forward.

    Booked yesterday a nice cheaper alternative that this year is actually beating the best by a few bushels per acre. Maybe its time to look after our selves instead of the Board of directors and shareholders of a company taking all that we have.

    Good move Bayer on the increase lets see how many sales you lose. Im guessing a lot.

    Will this be the New Coke Move buy a big company time will tell but for this farmer I'm F$%King fed up with the bullshit and Bayer isn't getting our extra $60,000.00

    Early reports have some cheaper cost varieties kicking the shit out of our system this year and buy the looks of the bags they are filling yes it is true. So maybe just maybe its time to say take your extra costs for nothing and move on.



      greed always kills companies . do your homework we only grew a bit of bayer canola this year .and will be none next year . there are other options that are a lot cheaper . bayer seems to be liviving in a dream world . and I will tell you what , we got our eyes opened up this year . the water kicked us right in the nuts . just remember , everyone gets their turn at this and no one is offering any money back to us because we have half a crop . I for one am not giving money away anymore .going to be a lot less low risk crops on our farm next year . everyone needs to look at inputs and see if it will work with half a crop . the risk we are incurring right now are absolutely stupid for the reward . how Bayer can raise prices with these prices is beyond me ??? but then again they are so out of touch they probably still think it's a bumper on the prairies . maybe they don't even know prices have plummeted


        Sure would be nice to be able to ask for more and basically be able to get it every time I want. Its like a drug dealer selling drugs to a crack addict. Maybe we should shank the GREEDY bastards. Even if you can shave a bit off your seeding rates because of the new expensive precision drills......those thieving ****ing canola seed companies will steal YOUR efficiency gains.

        There is only one way to send them a message and I bet 95% of us aren't willing to do it. No wonder people brown bag. The Assholes are almost creating the problem themselves then have the nerve to prosecute Producers for doing it. As I said in a previous thread....they are creating a price scenario that has long surpassed the "law of diminishing returns" for Producers. I honestly don't think we are getting any extra value for generic canola seed costs....they are just taking more value than they are giving in return.

        **** off Bayer!


          What varieties are you guys finding yield well and cost less to grow?

          We've been Bayer "addicts" for far to long and now sounds like a good time to check into rehab and stop buying their products.

          Only Roundup Ready canola we've grown for years is the Nexera. It usually yields a little less but we've always done as good or better with it because of the premium from Nexera.


            Dekalb isn't any better this year. Pay more up front but Mr. Farmer we now have this great grower program to save you money. So you charge me more up front, keep my money for 6 months and then if I buy enough give me a cheque back. Awesome deal! We are already pawns. It is going to get worse. Is it realistic to cut the 'middle man' out? Could we deal direct with these companies? Will that margin make this worthwhile because right now for what is on the table I'm not sure this occupation is worth it anymore.


              Who even gives a shit anymore. Their going to charge what they charge and your going to pay it. It's the same with parts, fuel, fertilizer, equipment etc etc etc. Farmers are so desperate for crops that pay a return that they will seed stuff like lentils in areas where they should never be grown. The lentil acreage seeded this year and with all the disaster stories about them tells me that it could possibly put some guys either out of business or ar the very least behind the eight ball for years to come, through no fault of their own, they were desperate to find something that makes a profit! Canola will end up being so unprofitable that growing it will be a maximum risk crop, just a minute it already is! When you need 40 bu/acre to break even all I have to say is LOL! Don't worry if we don't grow it for our crushers they will pay the norther u.s. farmers lots to start importing it in! Wheat is a joke. Malt barley.....well the maltsters will decide who they make or break.

              It's insanity.


                It just dawned on me and I find it ironic I used the term "value" in my last post. The irony lies in the fact Bayer uses the term in their advertising and rebate programming. One of the previous posts explains the rebate program perfectly. Bayer may have to rename or re-brand their slogan to "Bayer Vulture Program". Oddly enough they are playing two roles, parasites that will ultimately kill their host and a vulture to pick the bones of any last bit of flesh left on them after the parasites have weakened and killed the host.

                Why do you think I said I was tired of playing the host to this parasite party. And I mean all the Industry players that have gone past the point of adding more cost and giving less value!!


                  So what will you change? Every year the same whining, the same discussion, started by the same person, who grows and buys the same seed.

                  Btw how else did you expect Bayer to make enough money to buy Monsanto?


                    ok tweet I'll bite since your always on the side of the grain companies Fert companies seed companies etc.

                    It's rather simple switching out of Bayer totally let rep and dealers know Friday booked and took lower priced seed at last years price back in August!

                    Maybe it's time for farmers to finally stand up to these parasites and take our industry back.

                    Or do like you tweet keep telling them it's all roses and great no problem here just some guys like to complain! Yea we had a ruff time with a little water but we'll make it another year!

                    God some are so blind!


                      Last year I payed 505 a bag for L 241-C. If I understand correctly Bayer is going to raise my seed cost 20% or 100 dollars a bag. My only thought is that I have heard good things about Canterra 1990 and CS2000. This is a Canadian company it might be a good time to switch. I like Invigor canola but sometimes enough is enough.


                        I have quit using Bayer products 12 years ago. When I had a problem with their product I found them absolutely ridicules to talk to. I talked to the higher ups on the phone. They should have at least sent a more knowledgeable person out to investigate the problem. Life is the same on my farm without them. But them buying a big competitor sure ekes me.


                          I actually haven't been in touch with my retailer to see how bad the increase is so maybe I shouldn't have commented. ...but I stand by all my comments. I also believe what someone else once posted....a good part of the yeild gains might be coming from agronony as much as genetics. I compare the marketing of canola seed to that of Gillette marketing razors.....they keep "re-inventing" the same product with minor improvements at more cost.




                              Like sf3 said this one is easy . Just tell them have priced themselves out of market . We had one field of bayer canola last year and were done with them if they are this ignorant and out of touch . We have been growing a competetive variety 2 years and outyielded invigor both years . At $3 a pound less . Its all marketing nothing more and as maybe said their follow up on problems is nothing short of a joke . We have to stop somewhere and this is an excellent place to start .You missed the boat BAYER!!!


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