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CWAD Grades

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    Sounds too good to be true, unreal if it does work. how many bu/ hour? what is the rough cost of a bomill?


      I have done plenty of research and number crunching on this issue. I think there is an opportunity with this new technology for the the farmer to add value on the farm instead of the grain companies holding all the cards.

      The Only limitation I see with the Bo-Mill is capacity/$. Buhler color sorters have NIR capabilities and according to the people at Can Seed Equipment they have been successful at removing Fuz and Vomi from wheat at 5 times the capacity for the same price as a Bo-Mill.



        I think I will be looking for a magic wand to turn my durum from sow's ear to a silk purse. Like I said before, I haven't seen it in a harvested sample but with the incessant wet weather it went through and the likelyhood of "some" fusarium in it it won't be "pretty". Our Spring Wheat is actually pretty decent with not a lot of fuzz in it, but durum being more susceptible will likely lend itself to higher levels.

        I think it was 2013 when we grew commercial salvage...had it cleaned over a gravity table took out alot (18 to 20%, can't remember for sure, would like to forget and hoped I'd never have to deal with it again) anyway...got a little over $7.00 for the clean stuff and $3.25 for the ghostly white light screenings (which was absolute luck).

        Lots of assumptions but I have that feeling....
        Last edited by farmaholic; Sep 11, 2016, 21:00.


          I have a 2014 Bench portable unit and will set up on your farm with my guy and take 5 percent fuz to 1 percent fuz for 75 cents a bushel at 300 bushels an hour. Screenings were about 12 percent on Durum. All you need to supply is one 50 amp welder plug.


            Originally posted by biglentil View Post
            I have a 2014 Bench portable unit and will set up on your farm with my guy and take 5 percent fuz to 1 percent fuz for 75 cents a bushel at 300 bushels an hour. Screenings were about 12 percent on Durum. All you need to supply is one 50 amp welder plug.
            Not ? you but if it can be cleaned that easily with machines like bench portaable why can't the elevators clean it with their machines or a lot now have colour sorters or could set up gravity tables and bo mils.

            Fuss would then be classed as dockage or if they had to use extra cleaning like sorter or bo mill it could fall under the guide as cleaning for grade improvement.

            Maybe it is time the grade guide needs to catch up to possible modern ag equipment and practices.

            On the other hand will the removal of Fuss kernals change the vomi results?


              Did 40000 bushels of 5 percent fuz durum graded as sample in 2014 sold it all cleaned up as #3 1 percent fuz, sold all the screenings for 4 bucks. Its not perfect but good enough to turn 4 dollar durum into 9 dollar back then. Machine uses two courses of suction and screens.
              Last edited by biglentil; Sep 11, 2016, 21:41.


                Sounds good.

                A 3cwad is worth 5 bucks minus the 75 cents minus the 15 percent kick out.

                All of sudden the math is 3.50 picked up at the farm....

                Not happy with the shit price but this is going to be a big deal this year.

                The local went from 1.51 to 66 cents in three days.


                  wmoebis....the scalper(?) and gravity table process wasn't perfect by any means. A bit of poor durum in the clean and a bit of good durum in the screenings. Because I will be dealing with weathered durum this year I don't know if cleaning to remove fusarium damage kernels will be worth it. Time will tell.

                  What I do know is we probably shouldn't be growing durum with it's high susceptibility to fusarium. The pathogen is here and with the right conditions we are apt to have problems and relying on fungicides that only claim suppression is a bit futile with high disease pressure. Could be a long time before we see any variety with a meaningful level of resistance.


                    Originally posted by bucket View Post
                    Sounds good.

                    A 3cwad is worth 5 bucks minus the 75 cents minus the 15 percent kick out.

                    All of sudden the math is 3.50 picked up at the farm....

                    Not happy with the shit price but this is going to be a big deal this year.

                    The local went from 1.51 to 66 cents in three days.
                    There your screenings too.


                      What part of the province are these 4, 5 and salvage grades at?

                      We are getting serious about investing in the equipment necessary to take care of this problem on our farm so I am curious how wide spread this really is. Within 10 miles of home I am hearing claims of 0%fuzz to over 10%.

                      We are leaning towards the Buhler. We have several neighbors waiting in anticipation to see if we actually pull the trigger. The work is there just need to decide weither to shit or get off the pot.


                        An air and screen is not a miracle fuzz cleaner.. Certain samples it may do a half ass reasonable job on. But to broadcast that it's the solution simply isnt true. Without seeing a sample first you have no idea what your dealing with. Fuzz kernels have many different sizes and densities. Bare minimum... Pre/aspiration ... Air and screen... Long AND Short indents... Gravity.... Post aspiration... I do this in a stationary unit at 14/mt an hour. Haven't ran any samples this year as still harvesting but from what I see in the samples I have, knocking the fuzz out of them will mostly happen in my pre cyclo aspirator and the gravity. May see some come out on he short indents as well. Pretty much dick all on the air screen will actually come out..


                          I agree with your thoughts red lentil..


                            The vomi levels are most important over the Fuz kernals. Even if you remove the tombstone kernals the vomi levels might be too high for human or animal consumption. Would you eat grain that has poison levels that are too high? Why should we expect the grain companies to buy grain that they cannot sell to anyone else. Thats why the price is so low....
                            I don't know, just asking, Do fusarium infected wheat samples routinely get tested for vomitoxin?


                              Originally posted by farming101 View Post
                              I don't know, just asking, Do fusarium infected wheat samples routinely get tested for vomitoxin?
                              I think every feed sample is going to be tested this year. Highly doubt every bin sample or truck sample will be tested at every elevator. They still have to grade according to guide but have an out to reject if you agree that it has to meet vomi levels.

                              Just keep in mind you can have high fuss count with low vomi but you can also have high vomi with little or no visible signs of fuss.


                                I dumped my durum as feed ....why....

                                1. Rain in forecast for when it was ready was going to downgrade it anyway. I haven't turned a wheel in 5 days.

                                2. 100 yards into the field and looking at it told me it's not good. An elevator looking to fill a durum train usually isn't to fussy....they couldn't upgrade it either way.....and neither could 4 other grain cos I have dealt with regularly.

                                3. The spreads are not there right now to **** around with it.

                                4. So a few ergot, definite fuzz, rain downgrading it....now it can't get worse and I took some panic off the harvest. ....it can't get a worse grade.....but as I have mentioned the price can.
                                Last edited by bucket; Sep 12, 2016, 07:14.


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