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From a Indepoendant Politician in Aust will ring true to some you guys

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    From a Indepoendant Politician in Aust will ring true to some you guys

    From Bob Katter

    "I am the Labor Party's Worst Nightmare. I am a White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, God fearing Australian. I am a hard working Australian and I work long hours to earn a living.

    I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don't push it on others. I drive Australian-made cars, and I believe in Australian products and buy them whenever I can.

    I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some bloody governmental functionary, Labor, Greens or Liberal, that wants to share it with others who don't work!

    I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!

    I think owning a home doesn't make you a capitalist; it makes you a smart Australian. I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything. Get over it!
    Description: cid:712FE5ECEF27453CA7B3FCD019B92ADE@Assasin
    I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English. I believe there should be no other language option.

    I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

    My heroes are fellow Australians like Don Bradman, Steve Waugh, Alan Langer, Slim Dusty, Fred Hollows and the Aussie scientists who invented the bionic ear - missed a few I know.
    I don't hate the rich, but hate the way they always find ways to pay less taxes. I don't pity the poor, I hate the way they are always crying that they are hard done by!!

    I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time watching or arguing about it.

    I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back to where you came from and change your own country!

    This is AUSTRALIA ... We like it the way it is and more so the way it was .. so stop trying to change it to look like some other socialist country! If you were born or legally migrated here and don't like it ... you are free to move to any Socialist country that will have you. I believe it is time to really clean house, starting with the Lodge, the seat of our biggest problems.

    I want to know exactly, where the "Do Gooders" get their money from, and why are they always part of the problem and not the solution?
    Error! Filename not specified.
    Can I get an AMEN on that one?

    I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what race, colour or creed you are, but not just because you happen to be an illegal alien and scream that they are "RACISTS PIGS". And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my driver's license. I think it's good ...

    I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making 'donations' to their cause ... Get a job and do your part to support yourself and your family!

    I believe that it doesn't take all the intellectuals to raise a child, it takes two parents ...

    I believe 'illegal' is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!

    I believe the Australian flag should be the only ones allowed to be flown in Australia!

    If this makes me a BAD Australian, then yes, I'm a BAD Australian. If you are a BAD Australian too, please forward this to everyone you know ...

    We want our country back!
    My Country ...
    I hope this offends all illegal aliens.

    My great, great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Boer War. My grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in World Wars 1&2. My grandfather watched as his friends & brothers died in the Depression of 32. My father watched as his friends died in Korea. I watched as my friends died in Vietnam, East Timor & Desert Storm. Our sons and daughters watched & bled as their friends died in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    None of them died for the Afghanistan and Iraq Flag. Every Australian died for the Australian flag.

    At a Victorian high school, foreign students raised a Middle East flag on a school flag pole. Australian students took it down. Guess who was expelled ... the students who took it down.

    West Australian high school students were sent home, because they wore T-shirts with the Australian flag printed on them.
    Enough is enough.

    This message needs to be viewed by every Australian; and every Australian needs to stand up for Australia. We've bent over to appease the Aussie-haters long enough. I'm taking a stand.
    I'm standing up because of the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the Australian flag.
    Description: cid:92E48FF0344F4C289E73C42951490A96@Assasin
    And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.

    AUSTRALIANS, stop giving away Your RIGHTS!
    This statement DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration !
    YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, welcome to come legally:

    1. Get a sponsor!
    2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past!
    3. Live by OUR rules! Dress as we Australians Do
    4. Get a job!
    5. Pay YOUR Taxes!
    6. No Social Security until you have earned it and Paid for it!
    7. NOW find a place to lay your head!

    We've gone so far the other way ... bent over backwards not to offend anyone.
    Only AUSTRALIANS seem to care when Australian Citizens are being offended!


    ps labour equivalent of Americas democrats, they are left leaning and side with green parties for votes in parliment


      I don't have a problem with any of that. It is a very simple question. Which group should adapt? The natives or the immigrants? On another forum I just read a piece attributed to Vladimir Putin. One line that stuck with me was "Russia doesn't need minorities, minorities need Russia". Same here and they must adapt to be accepted.


        Well written mallee. I hope it helps make a positive difference.


          👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🠑ðŸ» you would get my vote.


            How about Trump's pledge to make America great again? Very interesting.


              Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
              How about Trump's pledge to make America great again? Very interesting.
              I think trumps actually going to win the u.s. election! People ate going to vote for him and never admit it. Like a friend of mine said to me the other day....the ndp got in in Alberta yet anyone who knowns anyone in Alberta still doesn't know anyone who voted for them.......


                Thank you, mallee. If politicians here would have a similar platform, honest and open, municipal to federal they would get voted in.


                  Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
                  We want our country back!
                  My Country ...
                  I hope this offends all illegal aliens.
                  I bet the Aboriginals would give you an "Amen" on that sentiment!
                  Seriously there is a lot of good, sensible stuff in there but the whole thing is built on a false premise given that you are all immigrants that took over someone else'e land not you object to others doing the same.


                    There's a lot being said there, grassy. Mostly about common sense. Which phrase by the way has been outlawed in labor management. Your supposed to say "common knowledge" instead.
                    WHY WHY WHY does anything he says bring out the bigot card? Yes, the natives were pushed (and treated badly). As we will be someday.
                    But helping erase everything sensible and affordable in one generation? Giving everyone such specific, specialized recognition?
                    What happens when every horse on the team wants to pull his own way??
                    The saddest fact of all is that this politician wouldn't get to square one in Canada!!
                    From 1945 when everyone shared a common identity and every immigrant wanted it.
                    To today where its 'hurt feelings reports' on the job and everybody pays because "I" WANT it.
                    WHY would this guy get no votes in Canada? (Other than the track record here of peopl who spoke like this and ran turned out to be screwballs.)
                    We seem to be veering ever more one way and quicker. This is just a call for some brakes or sterring correction.
                    But not in Canada. Ever. That was made certain of years ago.


                      There has always been anti-immigrant feelings in Canada from the beginning. The Anglos didn't like the germans or the Ukrainians, or the Jews. The English and French didn't like each other. The protestants didn't get along with Catholics etc etc.

                      How many different sects are there in the Christian church? Why? There is only 1 god why so many different churches?

                      Everyone wants to blame someone else for their problems rather than look at themselves as part of the solution. Everyone thinks their point of view is the best and they know what is right and wrong with the world.


                        Guess fact is a lot of immigrants in the past came to work were not leaving there country for same reasons.

                        On my wifes side they fled Russia/Austria and father came from Switzerland as he saw more opportunity here.

                        My mothers family grandmother grandfather two sisters aged 16 and 5 they stayed in migrant camp for three years all worked except 5 year old of course immediately and contributed to australias wealth and theres.

                        Different times different scenarios.

                        They still have same family house which was purchased in I think 1956


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