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Question on Trump

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    If Trump got in I think interesting wouldn't even begin to describe what would happen. He's not running for president for any reason that extends beyond himself and his ego. That's not a good enough reason to become the leader of a country with the capability to destroy the world in an hour.

    IMHO there is no good outcome. He wins... the world becomes a much more dangerous place. He has already stated he's giving the generals all the power they want. Remember the last time that happened? Gw and Iraq. That went well.... not.

    If he loses, also not good. The fringe has been woken up and fed a line that says any election that doesn't go his way must be rigged. He is legitimizing and normalizing the attitudes of the alt right. That cannot be a good road to go down.

    Crazy times to live in.


      Trumps trade policies will likely be slightly positive for the US. Trouble is that the entire rest of the world is completely dependent on exporting to the US. So everyone else: Europe, Japan, China, Canuckistan, etc. is trying to devalue their currency relative to the greenback as exporting to the US is the ONLY game in town. Without exports to the US life in Canuckistan would be grimmer than it is now as nothing else is going on. It is that environment you see the rise of US protectionism which is somewhat understandable.


        Listen to all the Trump supports getting all excited, wanting to jump on the Trump band wagon. Here's a guy who has declared bankrupty four times and on many occasions never paid contractors for work done, avoid the draft by saying he had bad feet, but argued with a Muslim father who lost his son in Iraq, claims to be friends with Putin who right now is invading Ukraine, I could go on and on but why bother.

        There was a thread earlier complaining about farmers not being paid by a grain company, you all have for gotten that point in hurry, but are willing to support a guy who has shafted how many people? How many of you are of Ukraine decent or have Ukraine neighbors, Trump claims to be Putin friend, you guys don't have issues about that either I guess.

        I wouldn't even discuss the racism issue because he has said and done things and displays characteristics of a man that really only cares about himself. Yes, I know Hillary is no saint, but come on you guys can't be serious about wanting him leading the USA or wanting him to be PM of Canada


          Forage my only thought on Hillary Clinton is that she has either been a politicians wife or a politician her whole life with a proven track record of not telling the truth, mismanagement of classified information and I won't even start on the Clinton foundation. What does it say about the Democratic Party that she is the top of the heap. At least Trump has held a job in the real world. Is he a good choice, no but he will shake up the establishment and watching him and Trudeau face off would be good theatre.


            Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
            ... watching him and Trudeau face off would be good theatre.
            It would be - Trudeau with his obvious pedigree as a politician who has shown he is comfortable and capable on the world stage - and Trump the un-stable buffoon and jackass. I guess some of you like to support the underdog though.


              The USA has a fundamentally flawed electoral system in which access to big money is the key to winning. It is not very democratic to let the most powerful individuals and corporations have so much influence. Big money runs America and its' politics

              Why people think that a billionaire such as trump will represent the interests of middle or lower class Americans is beyond me? The USA is a divided country racially, politically and economically. There is tremendous inequality which leads to an economy and a society which is in trouble.

              Trump wants to erect walls of protectionism to bring back or save American jobs which is the opposite of free markets. When did all those Americans who believe in free markets suddenly become willing to let their government get in the way of free markets. Isn't capital supposed to flow to where it is most efficient?

              Many Americans are in trouble. Low wages, disapearing jobs, huge public debt. The quality of life for many Americans is much lower than in many other developed countries.

              Trump has simple ideas that appeal to people who want easy solutions to very complex problems. Trump is making alot of things up as he goes. He doesn't seem to care what he says. It is pretty obvious he doesn't think before he speaks and doesn't listen to advisors. This is a recipe for a disaster in the White House.

              Trump is all ego and no substance. He once said he knows more about ISIS than all the Generals? What a joke. This is why so may Republicans have openly said they can't support him.


                Chuck2, all American presidents are wealthy and have no idea about the plight of the poor. Hillary Clinton has been part of American politics over 30 years, she helped create the large debt, the large difference between rich and poor, the disappearing jobs. What makes anybody think as President she will change anything. She has been bought and payed for by big money for years. In the US big business buys favours, in Canada we vote for parties that will give us the most. Both systems create large debts and higher taxes. And if anybody thinks Justin Trudeau understands what it is like to be poor you are dreaming. All image no substance!


                  The US president has to have the support of the Houses of Congress, or zip gets done. It has always been a political Theater, games and deals. He can ask to declare war, propose all manner of regulations, then wait for Congress...as I understand it. He does NOT write laws.
                  Our prime ministers have MORE power, directing how majority gov votes, making laws.


                    Obama tried to come up with a plan to to provide health insurance for the uninsured, mostly poorer Americans. I am not sure how effective it has been, but Republicans saw it as big government and socialism. Contrast that to Canada's experience with health care which is a lot fairer system, with lower costs. We are better off because of it.

                    Hamloc you have identified that many people vote for their own perceived or real self interest. Farmers are no different. American and Canadian farmers often support subsidy programs that benefit them but often benefit larger wealthier farmers more, while at the same time asking for lower taxes.

                    No doubt we are living beyond our means. Individuals are often no different than governments. Over spending, high debt, low savings. The federal government spends alot on income programs for seniors. Without that social spending many seniors would be in serious trouble. The provincial governments spend alot on health care especially for seniors. Where would you suggest we cut any of these programs?


                      Chuck2 I would raise the age for OAS initially to 68 as our life expectancy improves maybe 70. Means testing possibly for certain seniors programs. Having said that what about Trudeau's new child benefit program or all the money he is spending outside of Canada that does nothing to help Canadian poor or create jobs.


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