Well thats a wrap I guess. Not finished kind of wrap it up but thanks to Rain were shut down. Strait cutting ended earlier than I would of liked but moving to next area changing headers and really what the hell is another quarter off buy going all night on Canola.
Weather forecast said we would get today till noon. That ended yesterday night for our area.
Oh well its harvest and Rain happens. This is a big system I hope we miss out on the Bulk of the rain as fields are wet already.
Rain in excess can screw up a year any day till the crop is in the bin.
Just below the half way mark forgot my Durum fields and bad break downs slowed us down. When the Cart goes down it makes you wonder how you did things before you had one.
Maybe Kelly some fields if it rains or just go close up the lake.
We so far had 1/3 inch some I have heard had up to 1.5 so far, we definitely don't need any more rain till next June.