Adam Smith
Generally you would be right, except in this case where most of the shareholders are non participatory, the farmers that still hold these companies are refered to as non- sophisticated investors, derisive or apt I won't decide. I would consider it deer in the head lights. And until the gentleman from Dominion Bond rating has something to say the sophisticated (now that's derisive) don't ask about what they can't understand. They do understand if your riding a dark horse and, up to your neck in debt, it is best to give the him his head and see if self preservation will take him through the mud hole. Ergo buy market share and throw mud on the rest of the herd that had the sense to go around. Giddyup!
Generally you would be right, except in this case where most of the shareholders are non participatory, the farmers that still hold these companies are refered to as non- sophisticated investors, derisive or apt I won't decide. I would consider it deer in the head lights. And until the gentleman from Dominion Bond rating has something to say the sophisticated (now that's derisive) don't ask about what they can't understand. They do understand if your riding a dark horse and, up to your neck in debt, it is best to give the him his head and see if self preservation will take him through the mud hole. Ergo buy market share and throw mud on the rest of the herd that had the sense to go around. Giddyup!