Thank a liberal all farmers in western Canada. The tax as I see it and lets be fare its a tax to every single person in Canada and Especially farmers. The Feds new system targets one group that is Farmers. Our costs will go up on everything we touch or need. Diesel up Gas Up Oil because our tractors and combines need this to work and I haven't fount the Electric tractor or Solar powered combine so it will cost and cost dearly. Now spray fert inoculant up do to freight. AH the companies can just pass it on. Transportation to Coast ah the railways can just pass it on. Equipment etc will be up. Can we afford another combine instead of 800000 now 850000. Any farmer who thinks this will not cost them is out to lunch.
What do we get in return. Ah nothing they are considering all our direct seeding as it was prairie before when the buffalo roamed so a sink then and a sink now no money to help you MR Farmer.
So thank the Liberals who as true form will screw the west to help the rest.
Really how many farms can take another $50.00 a acre cost increase at todays prices and honestly think they will be farming.
Also all our competitors have no Carbon Tax. Australia just dumped theirs the USA has none Russia has none and SA has none so all sell grain at world price but our costs are again higher.
So will we have to go back to horse pulled drills etc.
Wow liberals you really did this one again great but hey 60000 farmers are easy to piss off and lose as supporters when you have 60000 new Syrian refugees. Keep killing the primary producer and sooner or later we will all be done.
Or is that the plan back to buffalo roaming the west and parks for Eastern elite to come visit.