Makes me sick to see Grassfarmer use pictures like that which was completely irrelevant. Why not pull that card for every single discussion you have, on any topic? Disgusting! Tweety what makes you think we will run out of oil , gas or anything else that will be discovered. I don't think we have tapped into a fraction of what's left to discover. Hundreds of years of supply and if you think technology won't give us more options in the next 200+ years. In the next few decades we may just be pumping carbon into the air trying to keep warm and fed.
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So grass Explain why we have a Carbon Tax Coming!
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"kill it with kindness"-likes Sask was getting at
Imagine the middle east with thousands of schools and hospitals nobody wanted to sign up for terrorist school because they wanted to be an electrician and they wanted to eat some of our lentils and durum all day
Want to drop food babe like a sack of potatoes-say i gave 100 tonnes of grain to the food bank what did you do?I gave 10 acres of land to community garden what did you do?
Sask,alberta,manitoba farmers could actually move the world if they wanted to
All the outrage and disgust about the pictures I posted backs up the friend I quoted - read his comments and you might get it this time.
"I have a feeling that we are not particularly comfortable at examining how our privilege inoculates us and, especially, at examining the possibilities of down-sizing our personal "lifestyles" in an at least symbolic effort to come closer to a world-average level of materialism."
The arrogance and selfishness shines through - "poor people, send them some of our old clothes, they have too many children, only themselves to blame" etc etc
Can you really not see the connection? some of the kids were in Aleppo, an ancient city that was well developed and civilized hundreds of years before Columbus came to North America. They are not primitives that crawled out of caves, they have been reduced to this state of barely living by some of the great first world countries going to war in their region over control of resources - oil being a big one.
The more "stuff" we have in the west the greater the drive for earth's natural resources, the more kids end up like this.
Other pictures were of kids in some of the poorest countries in the world due to existing climate extremes. The floods and droughts that are killing these kids now will only get worse if climate change predictions come true. They live in the most climatically vulnerable areas of the world. So while we sit around and debate climate change and carbon tax insulated in our luxury these are the people who will pay the price if we as humans in a global society get this wrong.
The vast majority of poverty and hunger in third world countries is caused by the very people who live there. The hunger for power is insatiable and abusive and most of the citizens of these countries are caught in the middle. These countries destroy themselves with or without the help of outside influence.
.....and how many times have your ancestors and you move looking for a better place to live and opportunities? I realize a lot of the people in the worst conditions have the least chance of improving their lot in life.
So are you dumbing down your lifestyle and that of your children. Or are you doing everything in your power to ensure your children don't end up in conditions of those in the uncomfortable pictures.
Seems kinda hypocritical to ask others what they've done all while it would appear you try to maintain your and your families' lifestyle.
Incent versus tax: is it a choice. act=8&ved=0ahUKEwiesa-io8_PAhUE0IMKHYEeBYoQFggqMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. ig2=RCbQuClj4TmdaFdCxAqtFQ&bvm=bv.135258522,d.amc
In the USA I would get a credit to drive my hybrid.
Go figure.
Originally posted by farmaholic View Post.....and how many times have your ancestors and you move looking for a better place to live and opportunities? I realize a lot of the people in the worst conditions have the least chance of improving their lot in life.
So are you dumbing down your lifestyle and that of your children. Or are you doing everything in your power to ensure your children don't end up in conditions of those in the uncomfortable pictures.
Seems kinda hypocritical to ask others what they've done all while it would appear you try to maintain your and your families' lifestyle.
Farma, sure we've moved around and I'm the one on here that is in favour of allowing that opportunity to others too. I'm strongly in favour of allowing more people to come and share this largely empty, prosperous country with so many resources to those that have so little and maybe only need a chance. Most on Agriville oppose that idea.
I wouldn't say I'm dumbing down anything, more following the advice in your excellent post above about the throw away society. Saving resources whenever possible so that there is enough to sustain future generations all around the world - and yes part of that is I don't want to see my descendants finish up like those kids in the pictures but I want to do better than that, I want to improve those kids lives too.
I can certainly be corrected but isn't it Russia and the present Syrian government forces bombing Aleppo? And I am not defending any government but historically I would say many wars have been over control of resources.
One of the driving forces behind the political left in Canada is to stop any more developement of pipelines and any expansion of oil production. So this will increase the demand, production and export of oil from countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran and other countries where only a wealthy hierarchy benefits and certainly less environmental controls exist. Again you emphasize your belief that our standard of living in Canada is to high and needs to be lowered. As a farmer I think we look at our farms as multi generational and as such the goal is for each successive generation to have a better existence than the previous one. I am not sure how the government of Canada requiring provinces to increase our taxes and make my farm less competitive against my closest competitor, the USA, is a benefit. The fertilizer I buy, the freight costs I pay, the electricity and natural gas I use will all be more expensive. The natural gas I use to heat my house will be taxed at increasing rates but it will also raise in price due to it being used to replace coal in electricity generation. Law of supply and demand. All this cost to reduce our carbon footprint in the world from 1.6% to 1.55%. And in Alberta we won't be addressing the need for more revenue to pay for government services that cost 11 billion more per year than the government brings in for revenue.
One other thing Grassfarmer, have you told your kids they will have a lower standard of living then you and that thanks to the incompetence of our previous and present governments they are already 10s of thousands of dollars in debt?
I have no answers for this. I see injustice and greed everyday, common place in my community, my province, my country and by those with the ability to help others. I believe in patriotism to my country, and wonder why in countries that you picture their own governments do not appear to help. i wonder why some people are worth $20 billion or more when others starve. Personally I hope to have enough for my wife and I to support ourselves when unable to work, after a lifetime of hard work.
If you wish to and can afford to help by donations, that is admirable, but trying to shame others is not your responsibility. Hopefully our country, financed by our taxes, is active in this endeavor. If not, possibly you would direct your efforts to those entities that can be effective.
Gotta love it when the leftards think that punishing low income Canadians (of which I have become one due to reversal of fortunes) with Carbon taxes in order to pay the pensions of fat cat civil servants is going to fix the environment and alleviate shortages in the third world. Best thing that happened here is the lower gas prices so we can keep more earnings. Need to raise that so commuting to work is more expensive is the thinking of the leftards. They are pretty sure that none of this is going to affect them.
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