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So grass Explain why we have a Carbon Tax Coming!

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    very heart wrenching. we should all feel shame that in this day and age atrocities of this kind or any other still occur. wise words spoken by a past president could be applied here with slight alteration. ask not what our world can do for us but what we could do for this world.


      Don't worry everyone Bill Gate's the biggest philanthropist on earth has the solution.

      1st he does a great job of outlining the problems of exponential growth of our population and consumption, the challenges of alternative energy. Then he states
      "If we do a really good job with vaccines, health care and reproductive services we can reduce the world population by 10% to 15%"-Bill Gates at Ted Talks to a packed auditorium. This is the link to the youtube video everyone should watch:

      https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DJaF-fq2Zn7I&ved=0ahUKEwj-3LqYr87PAhUM4YMKHbF5CZAQtwIIGzAA&usg=AFQjCNFL7zxZ1 AAJyVY6_S1wIzeBfdTfXg&sig2=4dchlMV2oGAd5b3cADYrtQ
      Last edited by biglentil; Oct 9, 2016, 12:46.


        Re the pictures... heard a correct assessment of that situation from a Aide worker that spent time in the poorest places....THEY HAVE TOO MANY CHILDREN FOR THE AVAILABLE FOOD SUPPLY, simple as that! Their own fault and YES there is a solution...we all know the answer.
        Same answer to all poor even in Canada...Kids when you can afford to raise them properly.
        Last edited by fjlip; Oct 9, 2016, 12:24.


          Amen fjlip!


            And here we have too much food for the number of children. Problems everywhere.


              Grassfarmer your pictures of starving third world children undoubtably remind us that everyone is not as fortunate. But I am curious what that has to do with a carbon tax or the rampant materialism in our western world. A great number but not all third world countries have corrupt political systems which syphon wealth for themselves at the expense of the general populace. And how is a carbon tax going to attack materialism? Putting people out of work in western Canada won't put food in hungry children's mouths. Just my opinion.


                Me to what does a child starving have to do with a Useless Liberal Carbon Tax.

                We send clothes, Money etc in donations every year. I do My part you send us pictures.


                  I guess Grassy figures we should have a carbon tax to hurt the poor disproportionately more than everyone else so our country is more like the third world?

                  He figures instead of giving money to World Vision or the Food Grains we will tax the Salvation Army and Food Bank and send the tax proceeds to a government bureaucracy to do "what is right" for us peasants.

                  And after all this we will still see GHG emissions increase.....just like BC rates are increasing.


                    Introducing a carbon tax is meant to slow down industry including farming. In fact we may produce less food if things like fertilizer and fuel become too expencive. So by introducing the tax will decrease production and inflate food prices. How will this help the people in impoverished countries? We donate allot of money ourselves to help in these places but if we get less money for our work we will be giving allot less too.


                      Makes me sick to see Grassfarmer use pictures like that which was completely irrelevant. Why not pull that card for every single discussion you have, on any topic? Disgusting! Tweety what makes you think we will run out of oil , gas or anything else that will be discovered. I don't think we have tapped into a fraction of what's left to discover. Hundreds of years of supply and if you think technology won't give us more options in the next 200+ years. In the next few decades we may just be pumping carbon into the air trying to keep warm and fed.


                        "kill it with kindness"-likes Sask was getting at

                        Imagine the middle east with thousands of schools and hospitals nobody wanted to sign up for terrorist school because they wanted to be an electrician and they wanted to eat some of our lentils and durum all day

                        Want to drop food babe like a sack of potatoes-say i gave 100 tonnes of grain to the food bank what did you do?I gave 10 acres of land to community garden what did you do?

                        Sask,alberta,manitoba farmers could actually move the world if they wanted to


                          All the outrage and disgust about the pictures I posted backs up the friend I quoted - read his comments and you might get it this time.

                          "I have a feeling that we are not particularly comfortable at examining how our privilege inoculates us and, especially, at examining the possibilities of down-sizing our personal "lifestyles" in an at least symbolic effort to come closer to a world-average level of materialism."

                          The arrogance and selfishness shines through - "poor people, send them some of our old clothes, they have too many children, only themselves to blame" etc etc

                          Can you really not see the connection? some of the kids were in Aleppo, an ancient city that was well developed and civilized hundreds of years before Columbus came to North America. They are not primitives that crawled out of caves, they have been reduced to this state of barely living by some of the great first world countries going to war in their region over control of resources - oil being a big one.
                          The more "stuff" we have in the west the greater the drive for earth's natural resources, the more kids end up like this.

                          Other pictures were of kids in some of the poorest countries in the world due to existing climate extremes. The floods and droughts that are killing these kids now will only get worse if climate change predictions come true. They live in the most climatically vulnerable areas of the world. So while we sit around and debate climate change and carbon tax insulated in our luxury these are the people who will pay the price if we as humans in a global society get this wrong.


                            The vast majority of poverty and hunger in third world countries is caused by the very people who live there. The hunger for power is insatiable and abusive and most of the citizens of these countries are caught in the middle. These countries destroy themselves with or without the help of outside influence.


                              .....and how many times have your ancestors and you move looking for a better place to live and opportunities? I realize a lot of the people in the worst conditions have the least chance of improving their lot in life.

                              So are you dumbing down your lifestyle and that of your children. Or are you doing everything in your power to ensure your children don't end up in conditions of those in the uncomfortable pictures.

                              Seems kinda hypocritical to ask others what they've done all while it would appear you try to maintain your and your families' lifestyle.


                                Incent versus tax: is it a choice.

                                https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&u act=8&ved=0ahUKEwiesa-io8_PAhUE0IMKHYEeBYoQFggqMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. plugincars.com%2Ffederal-and-local-incentives-plug-hybrids-and-electric-cars.html&usg=AFQjCNG9MhISZTDtaKRx2Vn0bCHOEtAbgw&s ig2=RCbQuClj4TmdaFdCxAqtFQ&bvm=bv.135258522,d.amc

                                In the USA I would get a credit to drive my hybrid.
                                Go figure.


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