If i was a buyer of Canola for a company in Canada the last thing I would be doing now is purchasing Canola from Farmers.
Let them play in the mud, dry, pray what ever and get as much of the crop off as they can. Keep the price low as long as I can.
Then in December when the final nail is in the coffin for the Big super 2016 crop that was so bragged about. Start to increase the price. Oh wait then their is the Christmas shut down. Nothing gets done the last two weeks of December.
Increase the price a bit in Jan to keep my crush plants just at min but still operating. Because end of January I have farmers with some very big bills to pay and if they have Canola left in the field they are desperate for getting it sold.
If that doesn't work throw in all export sales to china are off so we don't have to compete.
Then once we get into Feb start the Big South America crop coming wow is it huge big big and bigger.
March 15 is the next day that all FCC are due and wow more fun as a buyer as again now farmers really need cash because if this isn't paid no one can buy again and play the game again in 2017.
April wait for it Canada will grow the largest Canola Crop ever. AH prices drop on that news.
Then June the crop is so so but here we go again Australia is on verge of harvesting the biggest canola crop ever even if its still in the seed bags and not seeded.
Ah the game of a Canola buyer.
Sad but most of what I typed is true.
Let them play in the mud, dry, pray what ever and get as much of the crop off as they can. Keep the price low as long as I can.
Then in December when the final nail is in the coffin for the Big super 2016 crop that was so bragged about. Start to increase the price. Oh wait then their is the Christmas shut down. Nothing gets done the last two weeks of December.
Increase the price a bit in Jan to keep my crush plants just at min but still operating. Because end of January I have farmers with some very big bills to pay and if they have Canola left in the field they are desperate for getting it sold.
If that doesn't work throw in all export sales to china are off so we don't have to compete.
Then once we get into Feb start the Big South America crop coming wow is it huge big big and bigger.
March 15 is the next day that all FCC are due and wow more fun as a buyer as again now farmers really need cash because if this isn't paid no one can buy again and play the game again in 2017.
April wait for it Canada will grow the largest Canola Crop ever. AH prices drop on that news.
Then June the crop is so so but here we go again Australia is on verge of harvesting the biggest canola crop ever even if its still in the seed bags and not seeded.
Ah the game of a Canola buyer.
Sad but most of what I typed is true.