Well what a week of excitement that maybe this shit show weather will change and give us farmers a chance . But no it pissed away and gave one day Friday and then Saturday rain and Sunday fog to finally harvesting again on Tuesday to end again at 7 with rain. Heavy to East of us 3/4 to 1.5 as it hit Manitoba. Things are getting desperate as grain is coming off at 21 for canola to guys with dryers and the rest have basically given up. Grain heats and aeration is useless at this time of year at that moisture.
One of the largest farm Auctions this year will take place on the 1st of November for Redland farms or as I liked to joke on here the Red Army. I really enjoyed farming beside the farm. Nice bunch of workers and a great owner. We will see what the new renters are going to be like and how they will try to handle the MUD and that Ontario Teachers Pension Fund.

So here we go. For our farm I have dropped from 25 at the beginning of October to 18. When the sun comes out you go. But yesterday the fog stayed till 1:00 and you just can't take it in.
So its going to be a rather quick crop report. The weather totally SUCKS. Not just half way but Totally sucks. Fields are now actually to muddy to Kelly Harrow as its like pulling a anchor around all day. Equipment is slowly getting put away and we bought long extension cords to plus combines in at night so if it freeze drys they will go every day and come home at night.

Drying grain is not a easy thing to get on to. We are pushing the envelope on what we have ever dried grain in our area. So it was time to phone friends and companies in areas that are use to taking Canola at very high moisture. Talked to a guy from southern Manitoba, Yea they still have crop out even if the Government says they are done reporting and its just a few acres left. He is doing Canola that wont register and after a hour in dryer its finally 21. That is really tough. Others say try 145 for two hours. Its like cooking a turkey. Were at drop 80% of whats inside after 80 min at 160 and it seems to get us to the magic below 10 so even with a slight bounce back its staying rather good. But to new guys drying a dryer is good but like the one of ours they can have their quirks. Yesterday it had issues lighting first thing in the morning it just quit. Here the regulator had issues. Or sensors go for temp or what ever reason. But the one thing with a dryer you still can go even if its a slow process.
On this Amount of crop out It just amazes me that no Media is picking up on this shit. Billions are in the field yet talked to stats Can and they said they had no Idea and would put down in a note on my response. I was a early person they called. So I imagine they got a few nasty returns. But the question was what crops do you plan to harvest. Well you plan to harvest them all will you is mother natures call and that bitch just went bat crazy. So will stats canada have whats out their or just more bull shit. Then I have talked to lots who have flown from Regina or Saskatoon to Toronto or Calgary and from the air their is a huge amount of crop out. The provinces bull shit 20% is probably really 30%. Because all who have watched this crop report know our area always has challenges with weather because the valley and the last bit of crop is always hard to get. Well when friends on West side have 55% still out and they are usually done I would say Houston we have a problem. North has issues and even south has issues. Why the quiet no one will know how bad it is from all involved in the farming industry.
CANADA HAS 30% of the Crop out and probably 25% will stay out and be burnt in spring. Thats reality.

Whats left is Flax, Oats, and Canola. With Canola being the most.
No fall banding or work has been done in the last week as fields are so muddy that next spring could be serious problems for seeding.
Be safe as stress levels elevate with harvest from hell number two continues. 2009 was harvest from hell number one. Remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop that the Ravens will try to pick off and take from you at every chance for nothing.
What are others seeing for their area and whats coming off and how bad. Its not done till its sold in the pit and your paid.
One of the largest farm Auctions this year will take place on the 1st of November for Redland farms or as I liked to joke on here the Red Army. I really enjoyed farming beside the farm. Nice bunch of workers and a great owner. We will see what the new renters are going to be like and how they will try to handle the MUD and that Ontario Teachers Pension Fund.
So here we go. For our farm I have dropped from 25 at the beginning of October to 18. When the sun comes out you go. But yesterday the fog stayed till 1:00 and you just can't take it in.
So its going to be a rather quick crop report. The weather totally SUCKS. Not just half way but Totally sucks. Fields are now actually to muddy to Kelly Harrow as its like pulling a anchor around all day. Equipment is slowly getting put away and we bought long extension cords to plus combines in at night so if it freeze drys they will go every day and come home at night.
Drying grain is not a easy thing to get on to. We are pushing the envelope on what we have ever dried grain in our area. So it was time to phone friends and companies in areas that are use to taking Canola at very high moisture. Talked to a guy from southern Manitoba, Yea they still have crop out even if the Government says they are done reporting and its just a few acres left. He is doing Canola that wont register and after a hour in dryer its finally 21. That is really tough. Others say try 145 for two hours. Its like cooking a turkey. Were at drop 80% of whats inside after 80 min at 160 and it seems to get us to the magic below 10 so even with a slight bounce back its staying rather good. But to new guys drying a dryer is good but like the one of ours they can have their quirks. Yesterday it had issues lighting first thing in the morning it just quit. Here the regulator had issues. Or sensors go for temp or what ever reason. But the one thing with a dryer you still can go even if its a slow process.
On this Amount of crop out It just amazes me that no Media is picking up on this shit. Billions are in the field yet talked to stats Can and they said they had no Idea and would put down in a note on my response. I was a early person they called. So I imagine they got a few nasty returns. But the question was what crops do you plan to harvest. Well you plan to harvest them all will you is mother natures call and that bitch just went bat crazy. So will stats canada have whats out their or just more bull shit. Then I have talked to lots who have flown from Regina or Saskatoon to Toronto or Calgary and from the air their is a huge amount of crop out. The provinces bull shit 20% is probably really 30%. Because all who have watched this crop report know our area always has challenges with weather because the valley and the last bit of crop is always hard to get. Well when friends on West side have 55% still out and they are usually done I would say Houston we have a problem. North has issues and even south has issues. Why the quiet no one will know how bad it is from all involved in the farming industry.
CANADA HAS 30% of the Crop out and probably 25% will stay out and be burnt in spring. Thats reality.
Whats left is Flax, Oats, and Canola. With Canola being the most.
No fall banding or work has been done in the last week as fields are so muddy that next spring could be serious problems for seeding.
Be safe as stress levels elevate with harvest from hell number two continues. 2009 was harvest from hell number one. Remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop that the Ravens will try to pick off and take from you at every chance for nothing.
What are others seeing for their area and whats coming off and how bad. Its not done till its sold in the pit and your paid.