Saskatchewan has the worst campaign finance rules in Canada. Here's the proof
We collected and analyzed the campaign finance rules of all 10 provinces so you don't have to.
November 01, 2016
It was a close contest for which province has the worst campaign finance laws.
British Columbia's Liberal Party is famous for soliciting donations from people and companies that are actually based abroad. And the rules between the two provinces are very similar.
Donations from out-of-province are allowed (only BC, Saskatchewan, PEI and Newfoundland allow this)
Donations from out-of-country are allowed
Unions and corporations are allowed to donate
There are no donation limits of any kind
But the one key difference that separates Saskatchewan from BC in the race to the bottom for Canada's worst campaign finance laws is a simple one. B.C. does not allow political donations from registered charities. In Saskatchewan registered charities can and do make political donations. In fact, since 2006 the Saskatchewan Party has accepted $11,643.04 from registered charities.
The one bright spot is that Saskatchewan does reimburse political parties and candidates for expenses if they meet a certain threshold of the popular vote. You might remember this idea from when Alberta's right wing lost their mind about it when it was floated earlier this year.
But don't just take our word for it when we say that Saskatchewan has the worst campaign finance laws in Canada. Here are the campaign finance rules for all of Canada's provinces.
Saskatchewan campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations no limit
Personal donation limits non election none, also out of province donations allowed
Personal donation limits campaign period none
Spending limits before election none
Party spending limits Expense limit of $1,000,663.00 (3.88 x names on voters' list)
Candidate spending limit campaign Expense limit of 58,043.00 in south (3.88 x names of voters' list); 77,388.00 in north (7.71 x names on voters' list)
Disclosure limit >$250
Advertising limit (party) $195,407/ year
Ad limit (candidate) not specified
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance no
Third Party spending on election No guidelines
Alberta campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations Banned
Personal donation limits non election 15000 +1K constit
Personal donation limits campaign period 30000 -calendar period
Spending limits before election none
Party spending limits none
Candidate spending limit campaign none
Disclosure limit >$250
Advertising limit (party) none
Ad limit (candidate) none
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance no
Third Party spending on election Must register expenses over $1000; cannot exceed donation limits of $15k in non-election year and $30k in election year
British Columbia campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations no limit; donations banned for registered charities
Personal donation limits non election no limit; also accepts out of prov. donations
Personal donation limits campaign period none
Spending limits before election 60 days, $1.1 m
Party spending limits $4.6 million writ
Candidate spending limit campaign $73,218
Disclosure limit >$250
Advertising limit (party) none
Ad limit (candidate) none
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance no
Third Party spending on election must register; limited to $3000 in single EDAs and $150K during election period (CPI adj)
Manitoba campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations banned
Personal donation limits non election $3000 per year; no out of province
Personal donation limits campaign period none
Spending limits before election $6500 limit for ads per candidate outside election period; $268000 for parties outside elec period
Party spending limits $1.92xCPIxvoterslist 2 mo prior to election
Candidate spending limit campaign $2.91xCPIxvoterslist 2 mo prior to election
Disclosure limit >250
Advertising limit (party) $.99xnames on voter list for all candidates
Ad limit (candidate) $2.91xnames on voter list area of less than 30000sq miles; $4.64 x names for area of greater than 30000sq miles
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance yes ($600K party cap)
Third Party spending on election must register over $500
Ontario campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations $9975; plus $9975 campaign period
Personal donation limits non election $9,975
Personal donation limits campaign period additional $9,975; plus $6650 to riding assoc, but no more than $1,330 to a single assoc.
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $.80 per elector
Candidate spending limit campaign $1.28 per elector; additional $9310 for northern candidates
Disclosure limit >100
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance Candidates get 20% of expenses with 15% of pop vote; parties, $.05 for each riding with 15% of pop vote
Third Party spending on election must register if spnding over $500; no spending limit
Quebec campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations banned
Personal donation limits non election $100 to each party per calandar year; no anonymous
Personal donation limits campaign period additional $100 to each party
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $.67x#ofelectorsv (CPI adj)
Candidate spending limit campaign $.71x#ofelectors; $.20 for the north (CPI adj)
Disclosure limit >50
Advertising limit (party) Free air time must be provided to all parties
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance $2.50 for each donation dollar received; $20K max; this is doubled for election period
Third Party spending on election must register; $300 max by private intervener; all ads must be marked; no ads after "order is issued"
Nova Scotia campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations banned
Personal donation limits non election $5000 per year; no anonymous contributions
Personal donation limits campaign period no additional
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $2.29x#of voters
Candidate spending limit campaign
Disclosure limit >$200
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates no
Annual Party Allowance
Third Party spending on election >500 must register; $10k spending max
Prince Edward Island campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations no limit
Personal donation limits non election no limit
Personal donation limits campaign period no limit
Spending limits before election no limit
Party spending limits $6 x #ofelectors
Candidate spending limit campaign $1.75x#ofelectors; max $45k
Disclosure limit >250
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance Candidate: 15% pop vote, then $.75 for each elector; min $1500; Max $3000
Third Party spending on election
New Brunswick campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations $6000 annual; plus 6000 to a candidate; no out of province donations
Personal donation limits non election $6000 annual; plus 6000 to a candidate
Personal donation limits campaign period
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits electorx$3.30/elector (CPI adj)
Candidate spending limit campaign electorsx1.31/elector (CPI adj)
Disclosure limit >100
Advertising limit (party) $35k limit prewrit; 2k for candidates
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance parties of 10 cand. Or more; formula (A-B)x(C/D) (basically a portion of pop vote and votes received)
Third Party spending on election register >$500; no limits
Newfoundland and Labrador campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations No limits; No boundary restrictions
Personal donation limits non election No limits; No boundary restrictions
Personal donation limits campaign period No limits; No boundary restrictions
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $4.304x#of voters (CPI adj); not less than $12k
Candidate spending limit campaign $3.125x#ofvoters (CPI adj); not less than $12k
Disclosure limit >100
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance 1/3 of expenses with 15% of pop vote
Third Party spending on election
Saskatchewan has the worst campaign finance rules in Canada. Here's the proof
We collected and analyzed the campaign finance rules of all 10 provinces so you don't have to.
November 01, 2016
It was a close contest for which province has the worst campaign finance laws.
British Columbia's Liberal Party is famous for soliciting donations from people and companies that are actually based abroad. And the rules between the two provinces are very similar.
Donations from out-of-province are allowed (only BC, Saskatchewan, PEI and Newfoundland allow this)
Donations from out-of-country are allowed
Unions and corporations are allowed to donate
There are no donation limits of any kind
But the one key difference that separates Saskatchewan from BC in the race to the bottom for Canada's worst campaign finance laws is a simple one. B.C. does not allow political donations from registered charities. In Saskatchewan registered charities can and do make political donations. In fact, since 2006 the Saskatchewan Party has accepted $11,643.04 from registered charities.
The one bright spot is that Saskatchewan does reimburse political parties and candidates for expenses if they meet a certain threshold of the popular vote. You might remember this idea from when Alberta's right wing lost their mind about it when it was floated earlier this year.
But don't just take our word for it when we say that Saskatchewan has the worst campaign finance laws in Canada. Here are the campaign finance rules for all of Canada's provinces.
Saskatchewan campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations no limit
Personal donation limits non election none, also out of province donations allowed
Personal donation limits campaign period none
Spending limits before election none
Party spending limits Expense limit of $1,000,663.00 (3.88 x names on voters' list)
Candidate spending limit campaign Expense limit of 58,043.00 in south (3.88 x names of voters' list); 77,388.00 in north (7.71 x names on voters' list)
Disclosure limit >$250
Advertising limit (party) $195,407/ year
Ad limit (candidate) not specified
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance no
Third Party spending on election No guidelines
Alberta campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations Banned
Personal donation limits non election 15000 +1K constit
Personal donation limits campaign period 30000 -calendar period
Spending limits before election none
Party spending limits none
Candidate spending limit campaign none
Disclosure limit >$250
Advertising limit (party) none
Ad limit (candidate) none
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance no
Third Party spending on election Must register expenses over $1000; cannot exceed donation limits of $15k in non-election year and $30k in election year
British Columbia campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations no limit; donations banned for registered charities
Personal donation limits non election no limit; also accepts out of prov. donations
Personal donation limits campaign period none
Spending limits before election 60 days, $1.1 m
Party spending limits $4.6 million writ
Candidate spending limit campaign $73,218
Disclosure limit >$250
Advertising limit (party) none
Ad limit (candidate) none
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance no
Third Party spending on election must register; limited to $3000 in single EDAs and $150K during election period (CPI adj)
Manitoba campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations banned
Personal donation limits non election $3000 per year; no out of province
Personal donation limits campaign period none
Spending limits before election $6500 limit for ads per candidate outside election period; $268000 for parties outside elec period
Party spending limits $1.92xCPIxvoterslist 2 mo prior to election
Candidate spending limit campaign $2.91xCPIxvoterslist 2 mo prior to election
Disclosure limit >250
Advertising limit (party) $.99xnames on voter list for all candidates
Ad limit (candidate) $2.91xnames on voter list area of less than 30000sq miles; $4.64 x names for area of greater than 30000sq miles
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance yes ($600K party cap)
Third Party spending on election must register over $500
Ontario campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations $9975; plus $9975 campaign period
Personal donation limits non election $9,975
Personal donation limits campaign period additional $9,975; plus $6650 to riding assoc, but no more than $1,330 to a single assoc.
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $.80 per elector
Candidate spending limit campaign $1.28 per elector; additional $9310 for northern candidates
Disclosure limit >100
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance Candidates get 20% of expenses with 15% of pop vote; parties, $.05 for each riding with 15% of pop vote
Third Party spending on election must register if spnding over $500; no spending limit
Quebec campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations banned
Personal donation limits non election $100 to each party per calandar year; no anonymous
Personal donation limits campaign period additional $100 to each party
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $.67x#ofelectorsv (CPI adj)
Candidate spending limit campaign $.71x#ofelectors; $.20 for the north (CPI adj)
Disclosure limit >50
Advertising limit (party) Free air time must be provided to all parties
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance $2.50 for each donation dollar received; $20K max; this is doubled for election period
Third Party spending on election must register; $300 max by private intervener; all ads must be marked; no ads after "order is issued"
Nova Scotia campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations banned
Personal donation limits non election $5000 per year; no anonymous contributions
Personal donation limits campaign period no additional
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $2.29x#of voters
Candidate spending limit campaign
Disclosure limit >$200
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates no
Annual Party Allowance
Third Party spending on election >500 must register; $10k spending max
Prince Edward Island campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations no limit
Personal donation limits non election no limit
Personal donation limits campaign period no limit
Spending limits before election no limit
Party spending limits $6 x #ofelectors
Candidate spending limit campaign $1.75x#ofelectors; max $45k
Disclosure limit >250
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance Candidate: 15% pop vote, then $.75 for each elector; min $1500; Max $3000
Third Party spending on election
New Brunswick campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations $6000 annual; plus 6000 to a candidate; no out of province donations
Personal donation limits non election $6000 annual; plus 6000 to a candidate
Personal donation limits campaign period
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits electorx$3.30/elector (CPI adj)
Candidate spending limit campaign electorsx1.31/elector (CPI adj)
Disclosure limit >100
Advertising limit (party) $35k limit prewrit; 2k for candidates
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance parties of 10 cand. Or more; formula (A-B)x(C/D) (basically a portion of pop vote and votes received)
Third Party spending on election register >$500; no limits
Newfoundland and Labrador campaign finance rules
CORP/ union donations No limits; No boundary restrictions
Personal donation limits non election No limits; No boundary restrictions
Personal donation limits campaign period No limits; No boundary restrictions
Spending limits before election
Party spending limits $4.304x#of voters (CPI adj); not less than $12k
Candidate spending limit campaign $3.125x#ofvoters (CPI adj); not less than $12k
Disclosure limit >100
Advertising limit (party)
Ad limit (candidate)
Fixed election dates yes
Annual Party Allowance 1/3 of expenses with 15% of pop vote
Third Party spending on election