Historically I find myself disagreeing with Grassfarmer. Today I think he is right on most points. First I see nothing in Ceta to benefit grain and beef farmers, as he states correctly we don't fill our quota of beef now. The EU has a non tariff barrier of requiring it to be hormone free beef which Canada by its own choice produces very little of.
As for supply management, it has always baffled me as to why Canadians want to dismantle a system that farmers can make a living under and we get Canadian produced food. If you eliminate supply management you will simply transfer more profit to processors and retailers and eliminate a good portion of Canadian dairy, poultry and egg producers.
As a beef farmer I don't remember getting direct government help during BSE, I believe it mostly went to the packers and feedlots which did trickle down to the calf producer. The Canadian public helped a lot by eating more beef during this period.
As for supply management, it has always baffled me as to why Canadians want to dismantle a system that farmers can make a living under and we get Canadian produced food. If you eliminate supply management you will simply transfer more profit to processors and retailers and eliminate a good portion of Canadian dairy, poultry and egg producers.
As a beef farmer I don't remember getting direct government help during BSE, I believe it mostly went to the packers and feedlots which did trickle down to the calf producer. The Canadian public helped a lot by eating more beef during this period.