parsley hillary is a communist , wall streets puppet is a communist.?
really i do not think so.
that is the choice they have
wall street or Putin
so either corporate elite organised crime or low life organised crime
i can kind of see why Trump would like to be the mob boss like Putin.
same macho attitude, take what ever you want, whether it be walking into contestants dressing rooms.
or snuff out people you do not like.
the last thing donald trump needs is more power, if he thinks he owns every ***** in the room,
because he put on a pagent.
what is he gonna do with the power of the president?
" why not nuke em " is n't that what he said?
really i do not think so.
that is the choice they have
wall street or Putin
so either corporate elite organised crime or low life organised crime
i can kind of see why Trump would like to be the mob boss like Putin.
same macho attitude, take what ever you want, whether it be walking into contestants dressing rooms.
or snuff out people you do not like.
the last thing donald trump needs is more power, if he thinks he owns every ***** in the room,
because he put on a pagent.
what is he gonna do with the power of the president?
" why not nuke em " is n't that what he said?