As some one who travels lots to the USA for pleasure and visiting family one thing was for sure the population of the United states wasn't buying what Obama or Hillary were selling. It didn't matter if you talked to African American at a gas station or Any one normal, people felt they were going the wrong way.
When I say normal Im talking down to earth people who go to work every day maybe have two jobs are trying to make ends meet and really just doing normal things. Obama was great at writing speeches and reading from a prompter but really he will be remembered as just as useless as Jimmy Carter.
Not ****rs , or Drug lords or Saudi wealth etc. Normal every day Mom and Dad Americans and that didn't matter if they were white black brown or what ever. Wanted change and change they got.
I for one never believed a family from Arkansas could become so rich, but read about the Clinton foundation and favours etc. Yea that is a eye opener.
Yes maybe they started out real nice people but in the end politics is corrupt. Maybe the money is so easy to come or is it the reality when a Democrat gets a taste of what working people already know they lap it up.
So yes I am very pleased at the out come of the USA election. Hell lets see if some one who isn't a washington insider or birth to grave politician from political families is in charge.
Maybe the Bullshit thats going on in Quebec Ottawa Ontario and Alberta will have a population finally wake up and realize spending and taxing every thing doesn't work for pet projects and green energy when your a big player in oil and gas in the world and that builds wealth.
Yes the Shingles that are solar panels really does impress me but till all this is realized why would any country shut down oil and gas before its perfected.
Research and study alternatives but if they cost more than what we have wait or drop.
So we now have a lame duck in Ottawa who has one of the most powerful nations above us and now who has a powerful real business man incharge below us. Prime minister selfie you better grow up your not even in the same building as the big boys.
When I say normal Im talking down to earth people who go to work every day maybe have two jobs are trying to make ends meet and really just doing normal things. Obama was great at writing speeches and reading from a prompter but really he will be remembered as just as useless as Jimmy Carter.
Not ****rs , or Drug lords or Saudi wealth etc. Normal every day Mom and Dad Americans and that didn't matter if they were white black brown or what ever. Wanted change and change they got.
I for one never believed a family from Arkansas could become so rich, but read about the Clinton foundation and favours etc. Yea that is a eye opener.
Yes maybe they started out real nice people but in the end politics is corrupt. Maybe the money is so easy to come or is it the reality when a Democrat gets a taste of what working people already know they lap it up.
So yes I am very pleased at the out come of the USA election. Hell lets see if some one who isn't a washington insider or birth to grave politician from political families is in charge.
Maybe the Bullshit thats going on in Quebec Ottawa Ontario and Alberta will have a population finally wake up and realize spending and taxing every thing doesn't work for pet projects and green energy when your a big player in oil and gas in the world and that builds wealth.
Yes the Shingles that are solar panels really does impress me but till all this is realized why would any country shut down oil and gas before its perfected.
Research and study alternatives but if they cost more than what we have wait or drop.
So we now have a lame duck in Ottawa who has one of the most powerful nations above us and now who has a powerful real business man incharge below us. Prime minister selfie you better grow up your not even in the same building as the big boys.