Congratulations to Trump and his supporters. For the sake of the world, I really hope this populist movement is successful. My biggest fear is what will happen when Trump simply cannot live up to his rhetoric and expectations of his own supporters.
Trump built his empire on debt. Right wing analysis of Trump's economic plan say Trump's plan will add 5.9 trillion to the US debt over the next 4 years. So much for cutting debt.
If he does follow his protectionism plan, costs will rise on consumer goods. How will people who voted for Trump because they felt economically squeezed will react to higher consumer costs.
He will ease regulations on all business. We know what happened in 2008 when banks were given free reign. What will happen if business rights exceed those of individuals?
Who will do the work currently done by illegals if he does deport them? What Americans are willing to pick the fruit and hoe the vegetables? Or will food prices have to rise to pay the higher wages, better working conditions, and mechanization that will be needed?
Most scary is if he does not live up to the demands of the fringe groups who supported his campaign. What will happen if he doesn't deport immediately - even though business needs those workers? What will happen if he doesn't build the wall?
Already the global markets are unsettled to say the least.
In the curse of the Chinese: "May you live in interesting times" may have never been more true.
Trump built his empire on debt. Right wing analysis of Trump's economic plan say Trump's plan will add 5.9 trillion to the US debt over the next 4 years. So much for cutting debt.
If he does follow his protectionism plan, costs will rise on consumer goods. How will people who voted for Trump because they felt economically squeezed will react to higher consumer costs.
He will ease regulations on all business. We know what happened in 2008 when banks were given free reign. What will happen if business rights exceed those of individuals?
Who will do the work currently done by illegals if he does deport them? What Americans are willing to pick the fruit and hoe the vegetables? Or will food prices have to rise to pay the higher wages, better working conditions, and mechanization that will be needed?
Most scary is if he does not live up to the demands of the fringe groups who supported his campaign. What will happen if he doesn't deport immediately - even though business needs those workers? What will happen if he doesn't build the wall?
Already the global markets are unsettled to say the least.
In the curse of the Chinese: "May you live in interesting times" may have never been more true.