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Trump drains swamp and....

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    Good one grassfarmer.
    That pretty much says it


      No rider I have more important things to do today like continue helping people get the harvest from hell done.

      See I help my neighbours and make sure no one is left behind in harvest or what ever.

      I dont pray with people on Sunday just to prey over them the rest of the week.

      Its called work hard play hard and enjoy your time here on earth.

      Real simple you see you have to actually do work to get ahead. either buy planning buying or what ever but to sit and think the Government will help you is a joke.

      This tax will kill Canada and make us a basket case country with no tourism like Mexico.


        Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
        I agree the Republicans did screw up and ran Hillary. So much baggage and not the right person but it was her time.

        Two terms and your out works.
        I am sure or at least I'm pretty sure the Republicans ran Trump.Maybe Trumps B.S. has started to affect you


          Republicans almost changed history and lost after Democrats had power for 2 terms.Hilary helped them have a chance for sure.But sask farmer if you want your party to select the right guy get involved before it is too late.that is the lesson learned by the American election.


            Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post

            See I help my neighbours and make sure no one is left behind in harvest or what ever.
            So does that not fir your definition of socialism, lol?

            Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
            This tax will kill Canada and make us a basket case country with no tourism like Mexico.
            No tourism huh? 2015 figures - Canada 18 million visitors. Mexico 32 million visitors. I guess you can always say "It's just words folks, just words"


              No grass you will never understand it's helping fellow farmers! Being nice!


                What makes you think I haven't done that all my life SF3? You are the one who always spouts that making sure no-one is left behind is a socialist concept. I'm sure the Donald is big on making sure no-one is left behind.
                Last edited by grassfarmer; Nov 15, 2016, 11:55.


                  You guys do know that in the Podesta emails the Dems saw Trump as the easiest candidate to beat as he was the most "radical" so they had the media give Donald a free pass until he was the official Republican candidate? The Dems blew their own brains out on this one. Careful what you wish for! Lol


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                    New guy Ill sum it up real good.

                    None of the Conservative Candidates are worth voting for. Thats from a Conservative. None get the population excited not one.

                    We need a shake up maybe Kevin will run at last minuet.

                    But Boy wonder I gave him a year to show his stuff and guess what its his baby now and he cant blame harper or Oil or what ever flavour of the week he want. Its his baby and this ship is heading for the Bermuda Triangle.
                    Kevin knows boy wonder will make a second term so he'll sit this one out till the following election. Surely that's the case cause the candidates running now are no hell. The Alberta pc race looks more interesting. A two horse race is emerging between a battle worn Kenney and veterinarian Richard Starke. Kenney represents a more social conservative view while Starke is a bit more progressive and very intelligent.


                      Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                      If our Agriville socialists and liberals are outraged with Trumps appointments it means he is doing something right.

                      Gingrich is brilliant and will never lose a debate against a liberal which really infuriates most lefties. 😂
                      I think this is true in most things political. For a politician to do the right thing for the long term good of society, they should be universally hated by the current generation, and the future generations should be singing their praises, not vice versa. But this doesn't fit well with election cycles.


                        Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                        I think this is true in most things political. For a politician to do the right thing for the long term good of society, they should be universally hated by the current generation, and the future generations should be singing their praises, not vice versa. But this doesn't fit well with election cycles.
                        Great point. Maggy thatcher pissed off lots in her day but broke the choke hold the unions had on Britain and got them outta the 1950's.


                          Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                          Great point. Maggy thatcher pissed off lots in her day......
                          But she was never universally hated, it would be wrong to imply she was.


                            Latest news from the Swamp , Kris Kristi had falling out with Trump family since he prosecuted Jared kushners (married to Ivanka ) father for Tax Evasion .....


                              What's that sucking sound ?
                              Oh it's Sarah Palin popping her head out of the muck. Lol


                                Mark November 28 on your calendar. Trump fraud trial with his buddy the Latino judge. These are Federal charges since Trump U operated in several states. His lawyers tried to put it off till after the inauguration. He could be impeached before he takes office.


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