Farmers’ should be exempted from paying a price on any carbon emitted directly from agricultural production, KAP says. Direct emissions include those from burning fossil fuels and applying fertilizer to produce food or fibre, as well as methane from livestock.
However, farmers would pay indirectly when buying products or services, such as nitrogen fertilizer, because carbon prices paid by manufacturers would presumably be passed on.
KAP also wants some of the revenue from carbon pricing invested in helping farmers cut carbon emissions, sequester carbon and develop more climate-hardy crops.
“There was a lot of concern (during the discussion) and rightfully so,†KAP president Dan Mazier said after the meeting. “I think there is a lot of misinformation out there on what is going on in other provinces.â€
Because Manitoba has few, large carbon emitters, agriculture contributes 40 per cent of the province’s gross emissions, KAP general manager James Battershill told the meeting.
The Paris agreement on climate change, which Canada has ratified, along with the United States, China, India, the European Union and many others, took effect Nov. 4.
Signing countries are legally bound to hold global warming to no more than 2 C above pre-industrial levels. To do so countries will have to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists say if that 2 C threshold is exceeded, climate change will likely be disastrous and irreversible.
oo, I am so f*cking scared of "warmer, drier" prairies! comment.... 74-Grainews+Weekend+Stories+Oct+11%2C+2015&utm_medium =email&utm_term=0_2da8244677-512bf90274-88067685
However, farmers would pay indirectly when buying products or services, such as nitrogen fertilizer, because carbon prices paid by manufacturers would presumably be passed on.
KAP also wants some of the revenue from carbon pricing invested in helping farmers cut carbon emissions, sequester carbon and develop more climate-hardy crops.
“There was a lot of concern (during the discussion) and rightfully so,†KAP president Dan Mazier said after the meeting. “I think there is a lot of misinformation out there on what is going on in other provinces.â€
Because Manitoba has few, large carbon emitters, agriculture contributes 40 per cent of the province’s gross emissions, KAP general manager James Battershill told the meeting.
The Paris agreement on climate change, which Canada has ratified, along with the United States, China, India, the European Union and many others, took effect Nov. 4.
Signing countries are legally bound to hold global warming to no more than 2 C above pre-industrial levels. To do so countries will have to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists say if that 2 C threshold is exceeded, climate change will likely be disastrous and irreversible.
oo, I am so f*cking scared of "warmer, drier" prairies! comment.... 74-Grainews+Weekend+Stories+Oct+11%2C+2015&utm_medium =email&utm_term=0_2da8244677-512bf90274-88067685