I recall GF posting in another thread that water essentially spins in cycles. In his reply to biglentil he wished to point out that water which is drawn from below ground and pushed through cows, even though a large portion of it may evaporate soon after leaving a cows bladder, it condenses and falls back to earth, and along with other water, recharges the well that is being drawn from. We should all know this most basic of cycles! It is SIMPLE!
Lets throw another cycle out there, since we're trying to talk in terms that are dead simple to understand... The Carbon Cycle. If any of us looked hard enough we could even come up with a cute little graphic?
Carbon can neither be created nor destroyed. It is only transformed. Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas once existed in the living world as plants and animals. That carbon over billions of years was sequestered never to be seen again. It would seem that this magical world survived from then until now, even with a few warm and cold spells in between. We, are indeed living proof that organic life was able to live through such a time. Who are we to say what level of carbon in this world is the "appropriate" amount of carbon? Just because it was a certain way prior to 2000, or 1950, or 1900, or even 1850 or 1800? Hell why dont we pick the year 0? or 2000BCE? Thats a little over 4000 years where we could pick an "acceptable", or "appropriate" level. But why stop at 4000 years? Whats wrong with the Jurrasic period?
Short story long, carbon is simply cycling.
Ah hell, Tax me some more. Preach to me about how I'm a sinner. Show me how my choices are terrible, and will bring about eternal damnation for not only myself, but all of mankind! Show me the way! Good, gracious, forgiving followers of the path, SHOW ME THE LIGHT!
Lets throw another cycle out there, since we're trying to talk in terms that are dead simple to understand... The Carbon Cycle. If any of us looked hard enough we could even come up with a cute little graphic?
Carbon can neither be created nor destroyed. It is only transformed. Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas once existed in the living world as plants and animals. That carbon over billions of years was sequestered never to be seen again. It would seem that this magical world survived from then until now, even with a few warm and cold spells in between. We, are indeed living proof that organic life was able to live through such a time. Who are we to say what level of carbon in this world is the "appropriate" amount of carbon? Just because it was a certain way prior to 2000, or 1950, or 1900, or even 1850 or 1800? Hell why dont we pick the year 0? or 2000BCE? Thats a little over 4000 years where we could pick an "acceptable", or "appropriate" level. But why stop at 4000 years? Whats wrong with the Jurrasic period?
Short story long, carbon is simply cycling.
Ah hell, Tax me some more. Preach to me about how I'm a sinner. Show me how my choices are terrible, and will bring about eternal damnation for not only myself, but all of mankind! Show me the way! Good, gracious, forgiving followers of the path, SHOW ME THE LIGHT!