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Final Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Final Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Well like all good things sooner or later they have to come to a end. The above photo was us combining on last Sunday for a friend north of us it was barley. We should of went Monday afternoon and finished the last quarter he had but ice rain pellets hit and top of swath was a little ice. Since then its been half ass mist and light dusting of snow. Maybe Friday or Saturday for the last quarter and our custom work is done. Did 7 extra quarters.

    So most in our area are getting close to the finish line, odd field guys turned the cows into it or waiting for custom cutter to do last oats. Few odd fields of hailed out crap that wont get harvested. Few fields of flax and canola that will have a winter out side. Basically 98% for our area.

    Fall field work ended on Monday when the over night was -12. Ground is froze and we are for the most part done. Winter the season I so hate is almost here. But we all should be thankful on this American thanks giving for the Miracle or November. I still say the Canadian day is way to early because Under this new Climate change world we are celebrating the American Holiday just about every year for the last 5 to 10. I love this climate change. Really nothing has changed since farming began in Canada. Back in the 50s or so we harvested in Late November then the droughts of the 30s and 80s. So were wet now but eventually all will reverse and water issues could again pop back into the picture. Thats farming each year is different and we try to beat mother nature as she hands out all kinds of shit. Who every thought that after the Ugly October we would actually get a chance at harvest in November. It couldn't happen like 2009. Well it did for some and some got a chance to squeak out a few more fields.

    But this report is on Yields or how well each crop did for each area.

    HRS is above average yield and most will grade a #2 with protein levels all over the place. Later harvested is a three, Some graded sample due to Fuz and Ergot in area. Not sure what happened but spraying was worth it for weight and less disease. Its a bandaid thats all.

    Durum was not great as yields were ok but disease will knock the crop down. Our renewal project was a bust as it had all sort of problems from spring to fall and double spraying was not any help. To much water and maybe just maybe Durum is done in our part of the province.

    Flax was either great or not so good. Harvest was interesting as some fields were nice to harvest and some were WTF happened. Couldn't cut. For the most part it would be a average Flax crop for our area.

    Peas were either in two classes Great yield and no problems with Disease or WTF should of not grown them. Water and peas don't go hand in hand.

    Soy was another good year in our area with yields inching just above 40 and quality is good. Lots more will be added as the years go forward. One note we didn't really have any fall killing frost till real late and August was wet.

    Lentils were extra three to a little better but very few grown in our area.

    Oats yields that did make it off were big and heavy oats. But most was still out after october and some losses happened on yield and grade. Any over winter will be burnt.

    Barley was the crop that had unbelievable yields this year. All that was early has a chance at the Malt game but not all are winners. We have three big bins off same Section and Middle bin is Malt the other two aren't. Really its the same field for F$%K sakes. Oh well that is the only problem with Malt its a game and they always win. Late harvested has either sprouts if swath or 20 to 30% loss if standing.

    Canola the retarded sister that eventually will see acreage drop as soy and other crops move in. Cost are getting out of control and yield has topped. Provincial average yield on true harvested acreage will be close. Its no bin buster like the markets thought back in July but its ok. I still say Alberta Sask and Manitoba are fugging numbers on whats still out their and Canola and Oats are the crops. We will come in at 17.2 for production but that number could drop with problems in harvested crop. When they talk big yields its funny how mother nature straitens them out.

    Corn had a great year and actually some was harvested, most swath graze.

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    So as the season comes to a end we reflect back on the year that was, Happy American Thanksgiving to all! The miracle of November saved a few more farmers this year. It was a good year but no 2013. We lost a few on Agriville and they will be missed, But the generosity of those who donated to the family were greatly appreciated. To all the new guys who are looking or participating welcome its not bad to discuss farming even if marketing threat some times gets political.

    So be safe if your still trying to harvest and remember its just a crop that they will try to get buy paying the least. The ones at home are way more important than it. They suffer if you don't make it home.

    Happy Thanks Giving.

    For us, the results of this year's crops on our farm was an anomaly. But our anomaly is some other area's norm.... that explains land prices in some areas of Western Canada.

    I wonder if I will ever see another such bountiful harvest on this farm. We did our best and with the grace of Mother Nature we had one of our best crops ever..... in fact the old guy who is now watching from the sidelines said he never saw anything like it here before.

    For the "apprentice", the results of the last two years were near polar opposites of each other. Good for him to see how good it could be and just how bad it can get as well, although the poor year could have been worse, it was still pretty damn shitty.

    Looks like I'm locked into this for life, let's see what the future holds...

    Take care.
    Last edited by farmaholic; Nov 24, 2016, 07:40.



      Lots of fieldwork going on here . Most bought some form of vertical tillage. Waited for a couple inches of frost and actually working up nice but then got that 1/2 " rain two nights ago now no frost left
      We just tried our old disc its filling in the ruts really good and still havent bought a vert tillage unit


        Most still have some crop out in this area. We have been snow covered for the last week so there is not much hope that any more will come off now. Most field are full of ruts and it has been just to wet to make any attempt at fixing them.
        The crop on my farm was a little below average. We were dry in June and everything looked really nice until the middle of July when we had six inches of rain in three days and then it just kept raining for the rest of the growing season. A lot of acres were lost to flooding
        I am thankful for the crop we did get and thankful that I have the opportunity to farm


          Originally posted by caseih View Post

          Lots of fieldwork going on here . Most bought some form of vertical tillage. Waited for a couple inches of frost and actually working up nice but then got that 1/2 " rain two nights ago now no frost left
          We just tried our old disc its filling in the ruts really good and still havent bought a vert tillage unit
          Amazing you can be in the field.
          Rain turned everything into a block of ice here.
          Most got done combining..very little left..
          Water in most dips in the fields..
          Enjoy the winter..time off from thinking about this last yr is a must.keep your sanity..
          Go some where warm..or like us we ride ours ski doo's amost daily ..when their is enough snow.


            Scrapping old flexicoil harrows at west farm today! One done on to second! Nice square tubing to build stuff. No snow over here!


              It was a challenging year with lots of moisture and successful ducking of hail storms, but in 32 years we have never seen a great start like this spring. It proved to be a year that put our machinery to the test with heavy lodged stand and all the challenges that presents. Thank the big guy for just enough good harvest weather in this district to get her in the bin, one way or another. Congratulations fellow farmers for a job well done - we all know it wasn't a cake-walk. 2017 will be another "hay day" and we will muddle through it together. We hope pretty well all the crop will make it into the pit at a decent price. Pulses, good durum, dry Canola, #1 or 2 wheat, who can ask for more? Thanx SF3 for starting and continuing the Friday Crop Report every Thursday. Right after Agribitiom, Its off to Vegas to see if we have any luck left😜


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                Less than three weeks. No Vegas still have a bit to do before I leave.


                  Thanks for doing these reports each week. It's always interesting to read the progress and challenges of various areas.
                  We managed to finish harvest the night before the weather went south end of September. Good crop, not record but still good and decent quality except the lentils. Thankful for the way it all went this year; hope the too wet areas have early dry spring.


                    Darn near EVERY field V ditched and no tillage. Very little fert applied, only the HUGE farm, anhydrous in MUD.
                    Dryers going full tilt to prevent spoilage. It is TOO warm for storing wet stuff, too soft for bales, too frozen for tillage, TOO F*CKING cloudy to be happy! Another month of dreary dark crap or what? Looks like Revenant or a Depp movie?


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