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Stock Market

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    Stock Market

    Most of the experts and our experts on here said the stock market was going to crash in the unlikely event that Trump got elected ? There was going to be a mass exodus of people from the US ? He is arrogant and very self centered , but he has run a business, certainly wouldn't of been my pick . Under the circumstances he was the only choice , and that's why he got elected. Anyways we were guaranteed the market was going to crash , I think it was Stonepicker (not sure , though) that said it was a buying opportunity the night when market was tanking prior to election.Guess he was right . One other guy on here was ecstatic and telling us the market was crashing . I was wondering how so many "experts" could be wrong , but you realize they knew , but we're trying to influence the voters . This acid rain, global warming, climate change , deniers , etc., etc. is really getting sickening . These green mobsters are never held accountable for anything ? Why isn't anyone asking Suzuki why he needs four homes ? Why doesn't eastern Canada have to answer for the blood stained oil they are importing , with both hands outstretched getting money from Alberta that they will have to borrow money to give them . The whole thing is a joke . Anyways we were told the stock market and commodities would crash post Trump ? Wtf?

    Case trump is not in power yet. When he implements his policy of protectionism. Which by the way I agree with many of his policies. However turn the tv off for a month because he changes his mind twice a day in nearly every issue. It will be a fly by the seat of your pants government and if the right person happens to be on Twitter when he s making a decision things could be great but also vice versa also if not.

    If he does the extreme protectionism. It's not goi g to matter what their markets will do it will matter what will happen to Canadian companies when or if the border closed or pretty much closed due to tarriffs.

    Ask the cattlemen and ask your self as a grain producer of that border closed where would you be?

    Hopefully as I said the extreme will not happen. What's good for them isn't always what's good for us. Am I not correct in saying he intends I changing the trade deals to benefit their industries first?

    People are buying the idea that he will not be influenced by Wall Street when In fact Wall Street will run him more than ever before if Wall Street fails he s broke right or wrong?

    The key wil be for our gov to somehow demonstrate possibilities that are good for both of us. And use the fact in such other non business things as foreign policy where we have a very favorable reputation amongst countries involved in that whole Middle East disaster.


      Trump isn't an extreme protectionest, he's for american jobs, but he's not going to shut borders down.


        Trump's 'America First' energy plan means Canada.

        Keystone is again possible. OPEC is losing its influence and could possibly eventually breakup.


          It will be nice to see the environmentalists Obama and the corrupt Clintons removed from power.
          Obama has let environmentalist $ buy his influence like we witnessed with Keystone XL.
          It will be a breath of fresh air for them to quit reporting to a radical climate alarmist agenda and maybe our Liberals will gain some common sense.

          It appears journalism is almost dead and CBC, CNN have turned into cheerleaders for their left wing causes. Brexit vote and Clinton vote both went the opposite of how CBC/CNN figured it "should" have went and some sore loser tactics were used by labelling everyone who disagrees with them a bigot.

          Stonepicker and a few people were right about a good buying opportunity.
          Our 4 or 5 Agriville socialists were discussing how soon it would take the sky to fall and how bad the market would crash.


            don't see what's wrong with protecting jobs in his country , too bad Trudeau wouldn't do the same for us .
            not sure why everything we buy and half of what we eat has to come from China ? just go to store and try to find seafood from Canada
            Errol do you think he will benifit Canada then ?


              Case, those jobs ain't coming back & The companies that try to compete with manufactures from developing countries wouldn't last without serious teriffs on competition(not good for consumer) nobody could afford whatever they were making. Take a walk through Walmart. And try and pencil out a way to make that stuff in the USA. Good luck.

              The United states should be heavily investing in I.T, computer science. For the next generation. This is the future. The education system has become outdated.

              Teach the next generation valuable trades, they should be learning to code, not build things that robots will be building in the future/ already are building- check out giga factory Elon musk

              Only way Trump will benefit canada is if trade from other countries flock to canada to avoid the protectionist environment he wants to create.

              Rumor has it COOL could be reinstated.
              Cattle guys still rootin for trump?


                From Workboots---Cattle guys still rootin for trump? Sometimes principle trumps (pun intended) narrow self interest. Besides that the cattle market in Canada has only went up since the election. Could be that your analysis is wrong.


                  Caseih and Oliver88

                  You both give Stonepicker way to much credit, here's what he posted the day after the election

                  "Lol forage, are you a worm on a hook that i'm supposed to take a bite out of? As with most investors i've learn't from experience and listening to smart people. All my stocks definitely haven't been winners, but i've done well. I could give you the best advice in the world and you would put a negative spin on it. I've been in cash since late summer, half of my 30% still invested is in gold stocks. That's all i'm interested in telling you. "

                  So if Stonepicker was stating it was a good time to buy, why did he post the above? Armchair quarterbacking is always easy. As for gold, it's taken a bit of a hit lately, so that could be hurting as well.


                    Too funny forage! Someone gets a compliment and it bothers you so much that you start researching to try to disprove it. You know what assuming does don't you? It makes an ASS out of U. Just because i didn't buy stocks the night before the election ( when the markets were already closed ) doesn't mean i didn't buy within a few days. I buy and sell on a regular basis ( during harvest time i don't watch markets too close so i sit in cash then ) Oh and by the way, one speculative stock that i DID buy ( a copper stock ) has almost doubled, good for a $7,000. profit Thanks Mr. Trump! Anyways, control your jealousy a little better. I'm thankful I'm me and not you.


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