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Friday Cocktail!

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    I totally agree with Klause. Sure SF3 whines and complains a lot but I don't know very many farmers who don't. One thing I picked up on over the years is that SF3 works really hard and then enjoys doing things that really matter. He has outstanding organizational skills, management abilities and is a superstar at time management - hell, with the size of his operation, the people working with him, all the equipment, etc. it seems like everything runs like clockwork. Go enjoy and whine all you want, lol!

    P.s. - I don't agree with your politics most of the time.



      Another side is working with family is not always stress free, account agreed the other day nearly 100% of multiple family operations dissolve by the 3 gen. We see that over the years all around us also.
      Good luck SF3, we know it is not easy.


        Not to mention that he actually produced a valuable and consumable good, unlike the millions of useless bureaucrats in this country who produce nothing (except headaches for the rest of us) and still get paid far more than most of us earn in a year and then go to those same spots as pictures above - ON OUR DIME.


          Hail caeser!! ( the vodka one that is ) it was getting to lovey dovey on here so i thought i would lighten it up !


            Nothing against farmers taking holidays -I've travelled too. Nothing to do with envy. Not questioning how hard anyone works or whether they "deserve" lavish holidays. Just in light of recent events and threads on here calling for more compassion towards fellow posters who may be going through struggles I just find it rather crass to be posting "look where I am now" "look where I'm going next" and "I got all my crop off"


              Only been farming for 34 years myself and only the last few years have had the luxury of trying cocktails in exotic places. I say good for anyone who is willing to work hard and make sacrifices so they can do the things they enjoy. Jealousy is strong here on angriville. Buddy of mine worked in a tire shop and his wife had a pretty good career as a nurse. They have been on more ski trips and exotic holidays than anyone I know personally. I say good for them. As for a cocktail I gotta throw in a vote for the "classic" marguerita. However I can't say Mexico is the best place to drink them. My kitchen table with wife and friends is better.


                Farmers work thier tails off all year long and keep the economy rolling. Why dont we deserve a little fun in the sun.


                  Grass you amaze me you criticize every thing yet share nothing worth while except Trudeau and NDP. I like challenging and arguing with you.

                  Yes I was happy I was done it's not bragging its working hard, right weather for a change and long hours but did 3000 acres and 1100 custom.

                  So yea I'm happy to be done. Not a easy fall and yes some didn't get done.

                  But in your world hard work and happy is not part of your world I guess.

                  You don't like my crop report don't comment or read it's what's going on in our area and what I see driving to the farm from Regina and up to Canora.

                  So complain and yap all you want I really don't care.

                  I lived through ugly years and maybe the weather is finally changing, time will tell but this falls harvest that some had was what we usually get.

                  I'm looking forward to 2017.


                    See grass if I thought like you I would be jealous of Redlands farms for selling for huge dollars at top of the market I say way to go Garry good move.

                    Or Gas Buddy buying land oh that's bad , I think it's great. Yes I don't like Chinese purchasing just to hide money. But a Saskatchewan guy who did good and wants to farm good, no great.

                    I don't care if some one has a home in Phoenix or Florida or Mexico etc. Good for them they must be doing something right.

                    Why some are always against other who do things different baffles me. What's wrong with work hard play hard.

                    Hell good on the ones who take time off and enjoy traveling. Some save their entire life for that one trip good on them.

                    Others borrow and play big what ever floats their boat.

                    I just don't get why some liberals and socialists want it all and criticize those who are doing different things.


                      We work hard and play hard also. All inputs and fuel are paid for on a points credit card. We travel numerous times all
                      Winter using our points. It's how we reward ourselves. My Father and his Father started building this farm. And I continue to build it for the next generation. Off to Hawaii for Xmas. Taking my wife and two children. These are the memories you cherish forever.


                        many know how to make money .many know how to spend money.but not many know how to make and enjoy their many.


                          The visa for fuel and any where we can use it pays for flights for four to Hawaii at Christmas plus flights some where at mid term break.

                          This year flights to Hawaii were 8000 for 4 but with points taxes per ticket. So you have to spend for diesel why not get some points.

                          Our 2 or 3 bedroom condos are time share purchases from the crash of 2008. Maintenance is key and some are real cheap fees. That's the key maintenance. Hawaii you trade into you don't own because your maintenance is out of this world. It's a game. Book two years out wi cancelation insurance.

                          Beer wine vodka etc is cheap in USA. Costco has everything you could need. In USA Mexico and even a similar store in Cayman etc.

                          Rental cars if booked almost a year out for Christmas on a premium car or utility vehicle is example 545 us today it's 1567 for three weeks.

                          You have to live eat etc, so yes it's reasonable. All inclusive your paying for some one to serve you. You pay for that service.

                          Still have maid every day.


                            Newguy said it!
                            I challenge any on here to live on what I do. Seriously, I dare ya.
                            Bellyache? Sure. But I read between sask3's lines. I enjoy the pics.
                            Enjoy reading others' poor me stuff. Gives perspective.
                            Reminds me why the general pop. getting ever more negative and indifferent to farmers.
                            Keep it up while you have your health etc Sask3. Teaching your boys how to make it ( I hope).
                            As well as how to live!


                              Good tips. Since I cant travel, I have a card that pays back 1% cash. Cash is king.


                                CHEERS.....it's cocktail Friday!



                                Old smokey bar music...

                                BP..... get a higher fee card where you get the equivalent of one percent back.... some of the lower fee cards have ceilings for how much you can get back. I have a M/C World Elite. I have a little over $10,000 in "points".... put over a million $ through it and have redeemed some points for cash already. Why not....

                                Another smokey bar classic.....and I never smoked

                                Last edited by farmaholic; Dec 2, 2016, 22:38.


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