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And the Experts Way in on Canola and Wheat Production! HA HA they have no clue!

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    And the Experts Way in on Canola and Wheat Production! HA HA they have no clue!

    Canada’s wheat and canola crops withstood wintry weather that stalled the autumn harvest, and production is expected to top last year’s output, according to Reuters’ industry survey of 13 analysts and traders.

    Statistics Canada on Tuesday will issue its final crop production estimates for the 2016-17 marketing year.

    The industry expects, on average, all-wheat production of 30.7 million tonnes, the largest in three years.

    It slightly topped Statscan’s Aug. 23 estimate, and would be 11 percent bigger than last year’s production.

    Analysts and traders expect record canola output of 18.8 million tonnes, exceeding Statscan’s earlier estimate of 17 million and coming in two percent higher than last year.

    Snow blanketed crops in Alberta and Saskatchewan in October, stopping farmers for weeks from finishing the harvest.

    An unusual November warm spell allowed them a last chance to bring in most of the remaining crop.

    “Western Canadian farmers are persistent and kept at it until most of the grain was in the bin,” said Lawrence Klusa, a market adviser with Agri-Trend.

    “I would estimate that we harvested more western Canadian acres in November this year than ever before.”

    The unusual weather, however, may add uncertainty to Statscan’s report.

    Statscan surveyed farmers from Oct. 21 to Nov. 13, and it is unclear if farmers factored in how much more crop they planned to harvest, said Brian Voth, president of Prairie Farm Consulting.

    “I think this report will be a total crapshoot,” he said, adding that he saw plenty of unharvested crops in Alberta last week.

    Despite harsh weather, quality of canola, wheat and lentil crops look better than expected, based on government samples, CIBC analyst Jacob Bout said this week.

    Canada is the world’s largest exporter of canola and expected to be the fourth-biggest wheat shipper this year.

    The big Canadian crops come as the International Grains Council forecasts record-large world production of wheat and soybeans this year.

    The following are trade estimates for Statistics Canada’s report on 2016 crop production.

    Its nice to see guys in offices have it all figured out.

    1. Alberta still has lots of crop out and it wont make it till spring.

    2. Sask has lots of canola and wheat out and similar situation.

    3. eddy Match is what will happen to most left out.

    So I'm still sticking with my Canola total at 16,9 MT.

    Sorry boys the yields weren't as big as some say. Plus any harvested in November is lower yield due to snow taking some and throwing out back doing tough crops.

    When I was combining flax before and after the snow ....the estimates I now read are so ****ed I can't help but think the graincos wrote the article.


      Yea funny how tough grain the yield monitors are all over the map.


        I can see it being bigger than last year easily. Some forget there was a fairly severe drought in west central Sask last year .


          furrow most had lower yield than other years. most.


            The flax balls are in the field...I need a vacuum header.... TM and patents pending lol....over a third was left in the field.


              Sask3 I think you are bang on, I think canola will be 17 mmt max. I have heard many stories of heating canola already. As for wheat I can't really say, yields in my area were similar to last year. Lots was combined here in Nov but there is still some out.


                Stats Can is actually factoring in crop in the field?!

                This report will not factor in the crop that gets torched.


                  Our neighbors all had fantastic crops so that cancels out the crops left in the fields.
                  Went to Regina yesterday on #6..some crop out by wynard..but very little else.
                  Even in our area..not much..
                  Just wondering which area has the most crop out?
                  Noticed very little v ditching all the way too..Land way dryer than out water logged mess.


                    Just saying the west side that had years of crops like canola yielding higher than melfort this year had less! So take your neighbours better and the flooded and left out in Alberta and sask and guess what it's lower! New math average up


                      Originally posted by Partners View Post
                      Our neighbors all had fantastic crops so that cancels out the crops left in the fields.
                      Went to Regina yesterday on #6..some crop out by wynard..but very little else.
                      Even in our area..not much..
                      Just wondering which area has the most crop out?
                      Noticed very little v ditching all the way too..Land way dryer than out water logged mess.
                      I think if you drove to P.A. On highway 6 you will see more crop out.

                      From what I saw the first snow on October 4th was a lot deeper as you went north.
                      The areas south of Watson missed the November 16th snow (at least it wasn't a significant snow) which finished off a lot of guys north of there that were waiting for the ground to freeze.


                        Still canola including some of mine in this area (Edmonton east) out for the winter. What that will make is anyones guess. Have heard reports of heating already too. Took the same pail of damp canola to 2 different elevators and one test at 12.8 and the other 14.1% so don't know what we have in the bin. 12.8 more sale able than the >14%. Heard cargill in Camrose having trouble sourcing canola and I am sure there is some truth to it as everyone has tough canola for sale but getting dry stuff right now is a challenge. Statscan report will be ignored as it should as it is out of date before release and what is out there is anybody's guess.


                          IGC Says all carry over is up over last year....TOO MUCH World SUPPLY, we don't matter...

                          This month's changes to total grains (wheat and coarse gains) supply and demand are mainly linked to maize (corn). The forecast for grains production in 2016/17 is 8m t higher m/m (month-on-month), at 2,084m, an increase of 4% y/y (year-on-year) and the largest on record. Stronger industrial demand in the US is mostly behind a 2m t upward revision for consumption, to 2,056m (+4% y/y).
                          Led by the major exporters, ending stocks are placed 5m t bigger m/m, at 504m (+6%).
                          Trade is seen reaching 338m t, a little up m/m, but still 2% short of last year. Conditions for recently sown 2017/18 winter wheat in the northern hemisphere are mostly favourable.
                          World wheat harvested area in 2017/18 is projected to be almost unchanged y/y, with reductions in the US and Kazakhstan balanced by increases in Russia and North Africa.
                          Incorporating upgrades for the US, Brazil and Canada, 2016/17 world soybean output is seen 4m t higher, at 336m, some 21m above the previous sea-son's outcome and an all-time peak. With total use seen unchanged from October, the rise in forecast global availabilities results in an increase of more than 4m t in carryovers, to nearly 38m, an expansion of 11% y/y. The outlook for trade is downgraded slightly, but is still expected to rise by 4m t y/y, to a record of 137m.


                            Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                            I think if you drove to P.A. On highway 6 you will see more crop out.

                            From what I saw the first snow on October 4th was a lot deeper as you went north.
                            The areas south of Watson missed the November 16th snow (at least it wasn't a significant snow) which finished off a lot of guys north of there that were waiting for the ground to freeze.
                            Head east of Quill on hwy 5 to Wadena, lots out there.

                            Freewheat's area is very bad also.

                            West of Humboldt, 10 miles, and south of 5 there's a block of 17 quarters owned by different guys that's still out.

                            North of Colonsay, there's 11 still out.

                            St. Brieux has quite a it out... over half in places...

                            One farmer I hauled last years wheat out for by Arborfield... has 200 out of his 3300 acres in the bin of this years crop.


                              Originally posted by Klause View Post
                              Head east of Quill on hwy 5 to Wadena, lots out there.

                              Freewheat's area is very bad also.

                              West of Humboldt, 10 miles, and south of 5 there's a block of 17 quarters owned by different guys that's still out.

                              North of Colonsay, there's 11 still out.

                              St. Brieux has quite a it out... over half in places...

                              One farmer I hauled last years wheat out for by Arborfield... has 200 out of his 3300 acres in the bin of this years crop.
                              You should of stopped in !


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