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Pipeline protests

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    Pipeline protests

    Will be interesting to watch how this unfolds now that ND Sioux protesters claim victory. Lots of chatter already today from First Nations in Canada.
    JT may have his hands full.

    JT brought these problems on as well by bringing on an extra layer of "environmental" approvals. Expect lots of foreign $/OPEC $/George Soros paid protestors to keep the media watching kooks in Vancouver.

    The NEB completed these approvals already INCLUDING Northern Gateway, the latest announcements were likely scheduled to take attention from his Castro comments, Chinese pay for play scandal and electoral reform flop.

    Northern Gateway was actually approved by the NEB but Trudeau shut it down and put an embargo on tanker traffic in norther BC but yet figures it's fine for tankers to bring Saudi oil into Quebec.......hmmmm.


      The coverage is remarkable to watch. Thousands of protesters camped out with military type prep. They dug in for the big fight. Interviews have them talking about how this is their life's purpose.

      Without a major confrontation with significant loss of life, this pipeline was doomed.

      So odd to me that people would rather have mile long oil trains over pipelines...rail is such an inefficient and dangerous way to move oil.


        First nations should have exactly the same rights of appeal and arbitration for pipeline projects as any other property owner period.


          Don't these protestors have jobs or occupations? Are they profrssional protesters?

          But, on the other hand the engineers knew long ago where the critical points were in this project and insist on going through that lake, gotta wonder. There must be an alternate course around.


            As soon as Trump gets in, DAP will proceed as planned. It already had all approvals and permits back in July and land was purchased from adjacent landowners. Trump will start locking people up who think protesting involves disrupting normal legal business practice. Make it known that those Indians have no right to the land outside their reservation.


              Happy trails, yes that is very true .
              If it directly involves any First Nation they have every right, no one will dispute that.
              This is when it becomes concerning though :

              Also the comments made by a Quebec First Nations leader today about possible massive protests all across Canada, that becomes concerning.
              Keystone will be anouther issue if brought foreward again now.


                First Nation Chiefs want their cut that's all. Same as Quebec et al. The Eco nuts funded by Soros types and our competitors take advantage of First Nations people and they don't realize it. This world today with so much misinformation and relevant stuff too is thrown around so much that people can be duped into believing anything. sometimes the truth is more preposterous than the lies. I wonder if Obama cancelling DAP was a dick move on Trump. Leave Trump a hot situation.


                  I'm having a bit of a problem with the "protectors of the land" image.
                  History says they lived as nomads.
                  Harvest all you can till game gets short. Move to new ground.
                  Doesn't look very good when stack in one spot for generations. Shit accumulates.
                  They don't walk the walk.


                    Not sure the point you are making Greybeard? Are you criticizing the natives for no longer living the nomadic lifestyle? Wasn't that decision made for them when they were stuck on reserves and the rest of their territory taken for white man's agriculture?


                      Look to good old Saskatchewan for what can happen when a pipeline leaks into the water supply of numerous towns and cities. The governments response was muted. Where the hell are the fines and the regulations making sure any water crossings are near bullet proof. Not in Saskatchewan because we don't want to upset the oil industry.

                      For all of you guys who haven't experienced what is like to have the oil industry in your backyard you should know that there are regular leaks and emissions from equipment and lines that are damn annoying and at worst bugger up the soil with saltwater and crude for many years unless it is carefully removed, which is very expensive. Even farmers who work in the patch struggle to get cleanups done in some cases because of companies that don't want to do it.

                      Lots of the bigger well off farms don't want the oil industry because of all the hassles and relatively low rents they pay.

                      There are literally thousands of abandoned facilities, roads and wells on the prairies that are left orphaned with casing that passes through fresh water aquifers rotting away. Imagine what happens when the casing gives way and contaminants like salt water, crude and gas can enter.

                      Yes we need the jobs, but when the oil is all gone we still need the soil, fields, farms and fresh water to produce food for generations. The value of the land and water for food production far exceeds the value of all the oil, because the land will need to produce food for millions of years into the future.

                      If you don't manage and protect the resources you have in a sustainable way you are depleting the natural capital of future generations.

                      After all the resource boom years in Saskatchewan what did we really gain? Yes we have a few more unfilled hotels and apartments in the patch. And there are lots of million dollar homes in Estevan, Lloydminister, Regina, and Saskatoon But are we really better off?

                      Did we really get a lasting legacy of good, secure, family friendly jobs? Nope we got a boom and a bust.


                        Did not need the lecture chuck , I was just pointing out that's it's going to be interesting to watch it play out . For those who thought Keystone was a shoe in with Trump , and JT announcement of the pipeline projects ..... well that may all get turned upside down after yesterday. May not , time will tell but it's going to be interesting.
                        We all know the hazards of the oil industries. The North Sask river oil spill was just 40 k west of here. The oil patch is within a 1/2 hr drive.
                        Again I will say , the Souix had their protest and won , good for them . But my point was they may take this way too far and turn it into a shit show down the road that's non productive for anyone
                        Just like the left wing nuts in the U.S. where protests have gone way out of control . We don't need that. In a way I am glad it's getting 20-30 below, it will cool off their jets


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