And yet the railways don't have to move much more than 500000 tonnes a week to the west panic.
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Stats Canada! Wow the mention of snow was one little line.
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Originally posted by wiseguyIt's never as a big as they say !
1. rain and snow in western Canada and drought and flooding in USA take grain !
2. they say and do anything to give less !
3. pathetic !
Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View PostHappy explain why you don't believe my number.
Super canola area along the Sask border all way north on west side of the province has been growing big big yields of Canola. Paliser would not believe, but rain in a desert makes grain.
The yields were average to what their use to or below and some wasn't harvested.
Take alberta Canola alley and lots in the fields never to be harvested.
Take Manitoba switching to soy and Canola not a big deal.
Northern sask with crop out tough harvest shit show.
And yes I have a number below the experts guess.
So explain please why you think its better.
1.Generally, guys went and got canola in November and left wheat, barley, oats, etc. I cant see if guys could get on the field why you would leave canola over a cereal, swathed or not
2. I get there are really bad pockets out there of unharvested canola....but does it really add up to that much in the big picture. Call it AB 10 %, Sask 5 % MB 1 % at most. Let call it 7% left average.
3. Yields AB good.Sask generally good, MB RR valley average or below average, everywhere else good.
4. Call it 20 million acres seed@ 7 % unharvested is 18.6, a tonne per acre average is 18.6 mil crop.
I just cant see the farmer moving 7 million tonnes into the system already if he only has 17.0 to sell. I mean do you really feel farmers on average have moved (and by moved i mean delivered, not sold) 41 % of their canola crop already????That would be a record if it is true and I just don't see it.
5. Sit back and think about last year. You ( and me i might add) all called a shit crop, to dry to long, yada, yada yada and we still moved 18 million tonnes into the system. We were wrong and you (and me) have to admit it. I don't know about everyone else one here but i seldom run into or talk to anyone how took off less canola this year than last year.
At the end of the day this whole how big this crop is should be put to bed and forgotten about. We should care more about this veg oil demand/meal demand story. Is it hear to last or not? It sure looks to be but i still think it has some cracks in it that might break open yet. I have no idea what will happen but what I do know that is that the market cares more right now about that story vs a bunch of crazy farmer arguing how big the canola crop is.
I respect you opinion...but don't agree with it.
Just put some substance around your number next time.Last edited by HappyFarmer; Dec 6, 2016, 18:49.
so my understanding of this thread threre are no arguments with wheat barley lentil etc only rubbery figure is canola?
if youre wondering australias canola crop will be underestimated along with everything else here this year.
Opposite scenario to you guys.
Malt barley can swing either way here some days up to $20.
What are you getting for port bids on 13.5 pro spring wheat there malle and what is your freight to the port?
the only thing , i can say is there can not be that much good hrsw wheat around.
i grew all soft white, and it did really well, feed the price is well, sad.
maybe backyarditis , but i would think good hard red will be hard to find.
but it probably will not happen , because the rr ways , will not move it and the grain co.s
can get to , buy it for nothing.
and pocket the differenceLast edited by sawfly1; Dec 7, 2016, 00:37.
I would say HRS is correct as most yields were out of this world. Ok real nice.
Barley was stupid for early yields and later weren't bad either.
Oats acres were down and late harvested lost some yield.
Flax on par nothing changed
Peas on average were good and lentils had disease and were probably close to stats canada.
Durum is the million dollar shit show with grade.
Gravity decks and Colour sorters still cant take #5 to #1. Just saying.
Vom is issue.
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