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Electricity renewable energy problems

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    Electricity renewable energy problems


    We seemingly have blackouts across our state sometimes total about every two months

    lucky its not -30 with a strong wind (windchill-48), like it is here right now . someone should bring all these environmentals out here and let them live without power and fuel . maybe freeze some sense into them


      It's darn cold here. Minus 30 at night, chills you to the bone Mallee. Usually when it is this cold, there is no wind, but everyone is so pissed with the politics incuding the north-west wind, it never stops.


        Thank God for Global Warming/Climate changing "for the warmer", what ever the f*ck they call it....or it would be even COLDER now?


          This exercpt comes directly from the link mallee provided above. For those who didn't open the article themselves....it concludes that renewable energy was responsible for the electrical grid failure. The implication is obviously that circumstances no one or engineer might contemplate the first time will be repeated sometime again...for sure...if you don't pay attention to the lessons history has provided. Listen up chuck et al

          South Australia's renewables-heavy power mix was a factor in the statewide blackout in September, a new report by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has confirmed.

          The report is the third in a series of investigations into the extraordinary loss of power during wild storms.

          Previous reports confirmed a series of tornadoes severed high-voltage power lines, setting off a catastrophic chain of faults which resulted in the Heywood interconnector being cut off.

          The interconnector failure left the state islanded from the national power grid and prompted a massive and rapid fluctuation of frequency, forcing all generators across South Australia to go offline.

          Historically, the rate of frequency change following an interconnector failure has been managed successfully using load shedding, as demonstrated during a blackout earlier this month.

          But the AEMO found in September, "the proportionally low amount of conventional generation dispatched in SA at the time of separation, and the subsequent low inertia, resulted in a higher [rate of change of frequency] than had been experienced during previous separation events".

          Prior to the statewide blackout, windfarms had been providing 883 megawatts (MW) of power, the interconnector was operating close to its limit and providing 613 MW, while traditional thermal generators were providing just 330 MW of electricity.

          Some of the state's biggest gas generators, including Pelican Point, were not operating.

          The AEMO has subsequently ordered that two major gas-fired power stations remain online at all times in South Australia to keep the grid in a secure operating state.


            that's my point , I read it . these hair brained idiots need to come out and live in this shit . we can't go without power here . haven't saw the sun here for more than 10 days in four months , so much for solar . we can't afford to play their stupid f$&king children's games . this is a harsh place to live . no place for "fads" . and I still want to know , why does Suzuki need 4 homes ? this needs to be answered


              We won't get any answers. This isn't about CO2 or any of the fad of the day whipping boys like Monsanto. Its zealots and idiots vs. health and well being.

              Its about residents of an asylum allowed to be in charge. Enough nonsense????.


                Thanks for link mallee


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