[/I]Getting past halfway between election and inaugeration and maybe a bit clearer where things are going.
Cabinet choices indicate a direction more in keeping with establishment wing of Republican Party and Congress.
More outlandish Trump promises appear unlikely to be kept but expect publicity addict Trump to keep milking them.
On trade and agriculture commodity prices and supports, expect continued policy from past few years as approved by Congress. TPP agreement proposal was developed as a successor to NAFTA and WTO and expect a business friendly administration not to end them entirely.
US farm bill and our own gowing forward programs are coming up for renewal in a couple of years and, in this age of globalization, expect more similarity than difference between us and also with rest of world.
Admit to concern over policy supported by Bernie Sanders wing of Democrat party and similar sentiment in some of our own governments but have to wait and see how Trump performs.
Cabinet choices indicate a direction more in keeping with establishment wing of Republican Party and Congress.
More outlandish Trump promises appear unlikely to be kept but expect publicity addict Trump to keep milking them.
On trade and agriculture commodity prices and supports, expect continued policy from past few years as approved by Congress. TPP agreement proposal was developed as a successor to NAFTA and WTO and expect a business friendly administration not to end them entirely.
US farm bill and our own gowing forward programs are coming up for renewal in a couple of years and, in this age of globalization, expect more similarity than difference between us and also with rest of world.
Admit to concern over policy supported by Bernie Sanders wing of Democrat party and similar sentiment in some of our own governments but have to wait and see how Trump performs.