While some others might suggest their Sask house roof or the adjacent parking lot are suitable locations for a 10 MW PV solar unit; they probably haven't been told that Sask doesn't usually have 80 acres (or 160 acres for the first two) that neatly fits the bill. So its likely that two individual 10MW units (total of 20 MW) will fall into the following scenario. This works out to 80 acres per 10MW and excuse me I used 70 acres in the previous calculations (which also came from Sask Power news releases.)
Further; for those who never attended a planning district meeting; nor an "Official Community Plan; nor public hearings on wholesale "Zoning Bylaw " changes; just beware that there are stringent setback distances from neighbors and municipal roadways and a lot more that has been overlooked. It ain't like you farm right up to the property line and then expect someone else to provide your buffer zone...all at no cost of course and then still tell the world about how your air is so much purer; your product completely healthy and uncontaminated by any known man made approved product.
Show the errors in the calculations and you'll get a correction; but its unacceptable to use information that picks and chooses that which only confirms your firmly held beliefs..
As part of the competitive procurement plan,
we’re searching for qualified vendors for the first
of two, utility-scale solar projects. Each of these
two, 10 MW projects will be built, owned and
operated by an Independent Power Producer
(IPP). The IPP for each project will be selected
after completing a two-phase competitive
procurement process involving the submission of
a Request for Qualification (RFQ) and then a
Request for Proposal (RFP).
We’re evaluating potential solar project locations
for the first 10 MW project and have identified
three ideal areas for this first project site: Morse,
Rush Lake, and Estevan.
The site that SaskPower selects will be provided as an
option in the RFP. While proponents may choose to
propose their own site, SaskPower is following its site
selection process to ensure a qualified and low risk site
is provided as an option. The site selection process
considers the below criteria:
ï‚· Optimal solar intensity
ï‚· Available infrastructure and capacity
ï‚· Low environmental risk
ï‚· Low land value
ï‚· 200 m distance from an occupied resisdence
ï‚· Community feedback
The site proposed in the RFP will total 160 acres,
of which approximately 80 acres will be required
for installation of solar equipment including the
ground-mount solar panels.
Further; for those who never attended a planning district meeting; nor an "Official Community Plan; nor public hearings on wholesale "Zoning Bylaw " changes; just beware that there are stringent setback distances from neighbors and municipal roadways and a lot more that has been overlooked. It ain't like you farm right up to the property line and then expect someone else to provide your buffer zone...all at no cost of course and then still tell the world about how your air is so much purer; your product completely healthy and uncontaminated by any known man made approved product.
Show the errors in the calculations and you'll get a correction; but its unacceptable to use information that picks and chooses that which only confirms your firmly held beliefs..
As part of the competitive procurement plan,
we’re searching for qualified vendors for the first
of two, utility-scale solar projects. Each of these
two, 10 MW projects will be built, owned and
operated by an Independent Power Producer
(IPP). The IPP for each project will be selected
after completing a two-phase competitive
procurement process involving the submission of
a Request for Qualification (RFQ) and then a
Request for Proposal (RFP).
We’re evaluating potential solar project locations
for the first 10 MW project and have identified
three ideal areas for this first project site: Morse,
Rush Lake, and Estevan.
The site that SaskPower selects will be provided as an
option in the RFP. While proponents may choose to
propose their own site, SaskPower is following its site
selection process to ensure a qualified and low risk site
is provided as an option. The site selection process
considers the below criteria:
ï‚· Optimal solar intensity
ï‚· Available infrastructure and capacity
ï‚· Low environmental risk
ï‚· Low land value
ï‚· 200 m distance from an occupied resisdence
ï‚· Community feedback
The site proposed in the RFP will total 160 acres,
of which approximately 80 acres will be required
for installation of solar equipment including the
ground-mount solar panels.