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Merry Christmas ChuckChuck, Grassfarmer Mustard et al

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    Thanks very much Albertafarmer5. Your support is appreciated. It is always great to have someone like you who can present their point of view without being rude or insulting.

    I live and farm in a community where many of my neighbors and friends would have a range of views similar to what is often posted on Agriville. It is difficult to have these more in depth types of discussions in your own community. You certainly can't get away with being an in person pain in the ass by using insulting confrontational language. I don't get to coffee row very often. Agriville offers an outlet for people to freely express their points of views.

    I try to be respectful and just stick to the issue. I don't really expect to change the minds of many people on Agriville. But good information and facts presented in a respectful way can have influence.

    There are lots of spectators on Agriville. It would be good to hear from more of them.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!


      Crochety, old, selfish, railroading, inconsiderate, lucky, (the list goes on and on) are all in the minds of the beholder..but not used often in my dictionary. The list is nearly endless and when it is specifically mention not using that type of language; it makes one wonder if it isn't propaganda to try to convince the public that someone deserves to be put on the "disenchanted and ------list" I currently forget the other "----" word but perhaps it may come to me. Perhaps as Mom used to say " Comments you make tell as much about the speaker as the message they are attempting to convey to others.
      And be damned that "-----" word just popped up.

      The word is "marginalized"....and that information is kept by at least one contractor who was hired by local politicians.

      Sometimes it is frustrating when valid questions and comments are met with only more unproven reprints, presently only on the drawing board or in the imaginations of people and groups with their own real agendas.

      Every other statement completely ignored.


        Give me a break , these are the same poeple who run for office and win , these are the same poeple who are running the country now , these are the same poeple who love the cwb and ran it for decades , these are the same poeple who cut and paste false info on how good the cwb , and it's being proven the cwb was a joke , I don't hang around poeple like this , I try and surround myself with common sense poeple , u can cut and paste anything u want to go on ur side , time to go chase the ace and have a good discussion .


          I can't lower myself to thanking a philosophy that's grounded in NFU talk that says it has all the answers on everything, and toes the line that it doesn't negotiate, period.

          Meanwhile there are countless thousands of farmers who are quietly limiting their carbon footprints, but the message still continues, "is that the best you got, just look at the perfect system I've developed, I'm better than carbon neutral, I'm saving Bangladesh from it's future.

          Well, merry middle finger to that congratulations attitude.


            Chuck, et al, good information and facts? that's what you present with all your cut and paste? Hard to believe, when ever an opposing article is posted that then it's just lies and garbage. You don't speak for me either alta 5. The chucks of the world are blinded by their ideology, which THEY follow blindly. As an example take climate change, when the same people continually ignore, solar activity, long term weather patterns, volcanic activity, elnino, la nina, etc. as weather changers and instead focus on manmade global warming and man made co2 ( a very minor gas ) as the soul cause of global warming, all that tells me is that these people are anti-science and have no common sense or the ability to form an opinion on their own. BTW, plants NEED co2 for crying out loud. Grass you better start sending your studies that show how good cattle are to the enviromaniacs, because their the ones that want to get rid of your cows, not people on agriville.


              Don't shoot the messenger, I am very vocal in my opposition to the AGW theory. And am adamantly against big government saving me from the plant food. Perhaps my sarcasm is taken the wrong way sometimes?

              But what would be the point of a forum if we all had the same view point, and we all just came here to agree with each other, to reinforce what we already believe, stay in our comfort zones, and learn absolutely nothing?

              What our left leaning (OK, might have leaned a little too far and fell right off) contributors bring to the conversation is a chance to see how the other side thinks. How do you propose to win the war if you don't even understand the enemy? And, unlike most posters, they do offer solutions to problems, not just endless whining. Most of those solutions are not palatable to a hard working entrepreneurial type, and many are heavy on promises and short on substance, but are still more than most posters bring to the table on these issues. And they do it with more respect than many of their detractors.

              But what I don't understand is what motivates them, why not post on a cbc forum where everyone can agree with them? This is certainly not the easy road to take.


                Alta 5, i agree 100% about " understanding the enemy " The only way to make an informed opinion is to look at both sides objectively. Have a merry christmas.


                  Originally posted by wakopa View Post
                  Give me a break , these are the same poeple who run for office and win , these are the same poeple who are running the country now , these are the same poeple who love the cwb and ran it for decades , these are the same poeple who cut and paste false info on how good the cwb , and it's being proven the cwb was a joke , I don't hang around poeple like this , I try and surround myself with common sense poeple , u can cut and paste anything u want to go on ur side , time to go chase the ace and have a good discussion .
                  All I want for Christmas is for the trolls to go climb under the bridge and forget about Agriville. They are a constant irritant with no other purpose. Out mit the shcrap!


                    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                    What our left leaning (OK, might have leaned a little too far and fell right off) contributors..... Most of those solutions are not palatable to a hard working entrepreneurial type.....
                    But what I don't understand is what motivates them, why not post on a cbc forum where everyone can agree with them? This is certainly not the easy road to take.
                    Left leaning? hardly, never voted for a left of centre party in my life.

                    What gives you the right to imply I'm not a hard working entrepreneurial type? I've been nothing else for 35 years which is about as long as you've been alive if I remember correctly.

                    Why am I motivated to post? because someone has to fight back and show that the views of the majority of the general population are not represented by the posters on here who probably represent the views of less than 5% of Canadians. In my opinion the majority view on here is an embarrassment to agriculture. And it's all about opinions - there are no rights and wrongs that have to be defended, one side that has it right and the other wrong, each one of us gets to have a personal opinion just like they get a personal vote.
                    I've seen forums before where all the "minority opinion" posters get driven off and once they are gone the forum collapses because there really isn't a lot of draw in farmers discussing holidays or today's girly cocktail. So be careful what you wish for.


                      It is funny here on Agriville how anybody who has a differing opinion of the so called majority right leaning posters, is not a hard working farmer who contributes to agriculture and pulls there own weight, and that they are a "leftard " as they say. It's easy to post an opinion on Agriville when you already know 80-90% of the posters are going to be in agreement with what you are going to post and are ready to applaud your every word.

                      The comment comes up why are there lurkers here on Agriville who do not contribute, the answer is they probably are in disagreement with the out spoken right leaning posters, and feel it not worth getting into a pissing match with a bunch of skunks.


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