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Merry Christmas ChuckChuck, Grassfarmer Mustard et al
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Sorry, Grassfarmer, that came across wrong. I certainly did not mean to imply that you or any farmer is not hard working, but that most of the sheeple voters who support/expect big government to solve all of their problems are not typically not. And it is not typically right wing parties who want to tell me how they shuold spend my money for me, since I can't be trusted.
I really admire your business strategy, and it takes a lot more entrepreneurship than farming governmnet sponsored crop insurance and support programs as a typical grain farmer is perceived to do.
Majority is not always right , there are a lot of sheep out there who don't have a clue and follow smooth talkers, I am usually a minority and go against the grain and I've been right more than wrong .no im not perfect but I pick out a lot of fakes , go on ebrandon and find most of the mouthpiece have never run a business but are so smart .
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