the other revelation in the article.
that aid would be withheld , if they did not change the the laws to protect the
seed co.s property.
so now we have a situation where taxpayers and donors from other nations, are the
ones paying to bribe to the country to change their laws in favor of the seed co.s
how wild is that.
what happened to the good old days when corporations paid bribes to local officials
with their own money.
How has it come to the point , that , syngenta / Bayer can not only dictate to 3 rd world
,but dictate , the world aid policies of the G8 .
and use our tax dollars to do it.
that aid would be withheld , if they did not change the the laws to protect the
seed co.s property.
so now we have a situation where taxpayers and donors from other nations, are the
ones paying to bribe to the country to change their laws in favor of the seed co.s
how wild is that.
what happened to the good old days when corporations paid bribes to local officials
with their own money.
How has it come to the point , that , syngenta / Bayer can not only dictate to 3 rd world
,but dictate , the world aid policies of the G8 .
and use our tax dollars to do it.