You can take any of the LCOE numbers per Mwh and divide by 1000 and you will get the price in kwh.
Oneoff please check my math!! LOL
That makes the cost of generating solar pv at .0847 (8.47 cents) per kwh and coal with CCS at .1395 (13.95 cents) per kwh.
This is for new projects coming on stream in 2022 in the USA and will be an average. Individual projects will have their own numbers and circumstances.
Interestingly wind is .0645 per kwh.
And we still need natural gas, coal, hydro for base load. I am not forgetting this. But depending on winds ability to fill the daytime demand it makes sense to see why Saskpower is making a big commitment to wind.
Oneoff please check my math!! LOL
That makes the cost of generating solar pv at .0847 (8.47 cents) per kwh and coal with CCS at .1395 (13.95 cents) per kwh.
This is for new projects coming on stream in 2022 in the USA and will be an average. Individual projects will have their own numbers and circumstances.
Interestingly wind is .0645 per kwh.
And we still need natural gas, coal, hydro for base load. I am not forgetting this. But depending on winds ability to fill the daytime demand it makes sense to see why Saskpower is making a big commitment to wind.