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Idiot says he wants to phase out the Oil Sands! We have a Winner!

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    Idiot says he wants to phase out the Oil Sands! We have a Winner!

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    Well again our illustrious leader has spoken and wow can he be more clear.

    We can't shut down the oilsands tomorrow. We need to phase them out. So this is the liberal plan for western Canada. Close down oil one rig at a time. Wow must make every single person in Western Canada who voted for him be really impressed.

    Why every time he goes off prompter does he say how he really feels. His handlers must be wondering what they got into.

    My prediction now is he will not make two terms he will be lucky to finish this one without quitting for personal reasons due to the stress of the job.

    But really lets look at this whole shit show from a real calm perspective.

    Shutting down oil when all the other supposed green energy isn't even getting off the ground let alone paying for it self any where in the world.

    Yes if the whole world stop using gas and oil all at once I bet some smart individual would design a car truck tractor etc that ran on something other than gas or diesel. But when the world is still using fossil fuel why would you kill the number three largest reserve of oil and gas in the world. As a country you must be a real special person to say yea were number three but were going a different route and dropping our dependence on oil and keeping it in the ground for ever. Ah china and all their cheap labour is salvaging on the shit they can sell us to get their. But lets kill good paying jobs right now and into the future.

    I don't get it kill oil and gas that creates wealth when your number three in the world.

    I must be missing some thing but piling on huge debt for future generations to pay off all in the name of going green and then at the same time killing the golden goose to get their.

    A real kind of special person isn't he.

    Stupid ****ing shithead who like his father is dividing the country.....ffs.


      Justin...Just like his old man...intent on ruining the West if its within his power. C'mon Brad ...You're our only short term hope.

      And I never ever have said that before.


        Why shut down an industry that you are collecting tax and royalties on? After it is gone where will gov't income come from? Increase income tax or what?


          Trouble is. He has his mothers brain and was raised by his dad.
          Saying it doesnt make anything happen. Yet. Buys votes. Sounds stupid to anyone with rational experience and ability.
          Sure gave his opponents ammo but he'll be here for 8.

          King Ralph woulda threatened phasing out shipping oil and gas East for a day or two! Remember "Let the Eastern - - - - - - - - freeze in the dark" ?

          His dad was the asshat. This guy is just a dumbass.
          Enjoy tax season boys!!
          Maybe Sask can annex AB?


            Boy, you guys don't pay much attention to detail. He said "eventually oilsands will be phased out". Which is true because they will either be depleted or some kind of super energy source will be discovered. I'm not defending JT, just asking you to think things through before beaking off. One thing you can't ignore but you should give some thought to. Any PM today has to answer to many constituents - guys like you, the massive urban versus rural split. Greens vs business, money versus poverty, special interest groups, budgets and spending, military, foreign relations, people on your team - good or bad, and the biggest challenge - openess and honesty. Seriously, do you think anyone of us could handle that? If you say 'yes' then get off your ass and do it. Put more energy into marketing issues - the most neglected topic on here.


              Blackpowder I'm starting to turn on thinking he has 8 more years. I think he is going to have a massive typical millennial and quit due to stress of the job. I really think this. Also I'm starting to get the feeling its not the west that is stating to wonder what the hell is going on.

              Carbon tax or not his cross country tour is starting to look like a staged show that only a few kids taken with liberal parents to fill hauls is all he has backing him.

              You can fool people for a while that you know what your doing, but sooner or later some one that is under qualified for a job and over his or her head is shown the door.

              I honestly think the country is slowly waking up much like Alberta did about same time after nut case got elected.


                Rockpile it is about marketing we have lost our advantage with the rest of the world and our leader is taking us down a path that not even the experts can figure how it will end. So yes its all to do with marketing.

                A 40 cent dollar with Trillions in debt and Every thing us farmers buy at 60% mark up how long will you farm. Just saying boy wonder is all about marketing and how he is destroying Canada.


                  Blackpowder It amazes me when some on here talk about seperation and how no one thinks, well did you know the world goes on , beyond your fence lines? Listen to sask3 and what has he offered but critisim instead of some kind of positive sugestion. The wild rose here in alta do nothing but cry and pray to get into the big chair dont have a plan atallbut just like sask3 they dont like the powers that be.And they want things there way .


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                    Rockpile it is about marketing we have lost our advantage with the rest of the world and our leader is taking us down a path that not even the experts can figure how it will end. So yes its all to do with marketing.

                    A 40 cent dollar with Trillions in debt and Every thing us farmers buy at 60% mark up how long will you farm. Just saying boy wonder is all about marketing and how he is destroying Canada.
                    SF3. I'm retired, but I farmed through the droughts of the 80's, the US-EEC trade wars, 21% interest rates just to relate a few obstacles along the way. But in the end, I made out like a bandit (details not to be published). I've seen and heard and met politicians of all stripes and one thing I've observed is that good or bad they tend to be hard workers. I certainly wouldn't choose that life. You know what we should be focused on? Margins, transportation, grading consistency, and continually educating ourselves. We've reached the the point where so much new knowledge hits the pavement everyday that no one can keep up. And it's too damn easy now to fool people. I really wish good luck to the young people out there starting out, whatever career they are aiming for.


                      Rockpile and Retired.
                      Of course I realize you present the voice of calm and reason. I do not disagree. But how often is agriville reasonable? Or just entertaining.
                      Sask. Hope your right but.... wager?
                      Of course seperation will never happen. Perhaps it never should. If PET hadnt messed up we might have a document that would help regional representation. Quebec is a brat.
                      You cant argue that.
                      Thanks to PET and his spawn, we are a country of ever increasing in number "me" groups. Mosaic my ass.

                      And really, if your old enough, you had the best ride of any generation in our history. Better hope everyones kids today get univ educate so can get middle inc job.
                      Cause it doesnt sound like govt or suzuki are doing any math.


                        Thank you Blackpowder, that is the most wonderful complement I've ever received on here. Just an addendum - I have skin in the game with land I own and rent out so you better believe my life style is affected by that. I hope to contribute to others so that they don't have to learn by trial and error what many of us have learned the hard way. In my aging years I've become way more patient and introspective and really don't worry much about what goes on around me. The most important aspects in my life are my spawns and they are absolutely wonderful. PS - I'm a widower, the one hole in my life that can't be replaced. God I miss her!


                          Rock pile. I started in the late 70 s and bought in late 80s and went through all that you talked about but missed the drought back then now getting pay back with excess floods so missed this last bonus. Farming always has been risky but we have a leader and I'll call him that loosely I feel he won't make his term and will step down due to stress of job after all he's a trust fund baby that's a millennium.
                          I gave him his year to show what he could do and killing the wests best industry for a fly by night green program is idiotic. But hey that's why it's Canada we can speak our mind and not get shot or thrown off buildings or beheaded, yet.


                            I'll know that people are angry when I turn on the news and find out that an attempt was made on his life, or even (cross fingers) successful. Until then, I'll assume everyone is hunky-dory. Now everyone go stand back in line and ask Mr. Selfie, "Please sir, may I have another (tax).

                            Heck, no one has ended the Dyke in Ontario yet, so I think hydro prices need to double. People just haven't quite snapped yet. Country of pushovers. Thankfully we got a neighbor with balls.


                              Canadian politics seems to be moving rapidly to the left whilst the majority of nations seems to be heading right weras here in oz we have right of centre basically a republican govt but trying to keep everyone happy and a lot of true right wing voters are getting perplexed.

                              re comment about marketing guess not much happening other than side ways


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