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    When we had my twin boys i gave up the oilfield and stayed home when the wife was working, bottom line they dont know being raised by strangers, one of us was almost always with them. Yes the farm suffered at times but i dont regret it. If you are lucky and the wife can stay home what a blessing. The little things you cant imagine are so important, like losing ten minutes at seeding because your son looked at the tractor and asked how hydraulics work.


      Hard honest work used to be the way to get ahead. Today it takes cronyism and lobbying as the economy is no longer governed by free enterprise and hasn't been for a while.


        I thought klause was asking about raising kids, not politicians.


          Lol....re daycare: when the kids come home sounding and acting like the daycare caregivers because they spend most of their waking hours with them instead of their parents.....

          Oh ya....and let the little bastards fail or fall flat on their faces, prepare them for the real world. Real life doesn't hand out participation ribbons or trophies. Teach them to stand back up, dust themselves off, and try again. What's the old saying? Quitters never win and winners never quit.


            I couldt agree with you more Makar, we were lucky as my wife works in the school system and has summers off( awesome when haying...She bales by the way and is the best operator we have..lol) time spent with a parent vs a paid care giver ie daycare etc is by far the best. We encouraged our kids to try anything that interested them... figure skating, soccer, baseball, foot ball and 4H(I did push for that...and yes my kids can both speak infront of a group of people without having the deer in the headlights look).

            Both of our kids kept busy with sports and they both had jobs to provide them with a little spending money even if it cost me more than they made in gas to get them to there jobs... As far as drugs went Klause it was not a problem and I firmly belive that children will behave just like the environment that they live in.

            My ownly regeret is that I work a lot and did miss out on some stuff but as I get older I am learning to say no to work and be with my family more....it seems that they go from 1 to 18 in a blink of a eye.


              Kids are great, most down to earth people especially rural will do a good job raising them. Society doesn't make it easy, the keeping up with the Jones' attitude and the no consequences for bad behavior crap and the no actual school grades and participation ribbons without winners and losers stuff sure makes me shake my head.

              Had trouble explaining to my daughter why Santa put an IPad in her friends stocking and not in hers. Most kids will never know how to want and work for success.

              My advice is to have more than one and close together in age, ours are 4 years apart and that's too much.

              Oh and by the way whoever said it's fun "practicing" to have kids forgot to mention you should write some notes down so you remember how to do it when the time comes again!


                Originally posted by makar View Post
                When we had my twin boys i gave up the oilfield and stayed home when the wife was working, bottom line they dont know being raised by strangers, one of us was almost always with them. Yes the farm suffered at times but i dont regret it. If you are lucky and the wife can stay home what a blessing. The little things you cant imagine are so important, like losing ten minutes at seeding because your son looked at the tractor and asked how hydraulics work.
                Awesome advice and I have a twin brother as well👍. There's nothing like your three year old daughter telling you to "finish your breakfast and go feed the cows!" And then asking if she can come with you. Also as others have mentioned the only way to raise them is by doing it yourselves. A couple times a month we drop the kids off a day home if we are not able to have them with us (like branding) and it's always interesting what bad habits they learn from the other kids.

                I believe kids make you a better person as your patience grows as they do.

                The best things to happen to me


                  Lots of peer and society pressures, you know the what and why, raising children will be a life changer for the Best.

                  Don't fall into all the traps, imagine Sleep Consultants - pathetic. This is where the parents hire some one to come into the house to sleep with the child for the night while the parents are off on a date or what ever ... the parents are tired because they can't get enough sleep, so this consultant comes in , the child balls all night, the consultant ignores the kid till the child falls asleep. This goes on for as long as it takes for the kid to sleep for the night the night.

                  Wonder how the "consultants " handle bed wetting, or potty training.

                  Must be very high % vegetarians, ooooh!

                  I think we need more parents like you Klause, and I feel better now as well.


                    Advice is great, but really, every parent is kinda wingin' it.
                    There's been some good advice here already. However, it's worth repeating.

                    Don't spoil your kids. It's seems so easy to just give them what they want.
                    Stick an Ipad in their face and they shut up right?? Don't do it. Read to your kids, stick books in their face, limit screen time. Especially at very young ages. You have the opportunity to help connect neurothingamijigs in their brain through healthy interaction and stimulation.
                    Don't be your kids "buddy".
                    Let your kids make mistakes, don't try and remove every inconvenience in their path.
                    Example I observed of another parent at my kids beginner Can-skate program. The parents were told straight to the face "no parents on the ice", no matter if your kid can only flop on the ice. Five minutes later, I see one of the parents walking onto the ice holding their kid up on the ice....duh!!

                    Pick your battles carefully. If you're not going to back up a threat, don't even bother making it.
                    I've heard parents in the grocery store threaten their young children with leaving them at the store if they don't behave.....really? The kid is either now terrified, or has tuned you out long ago and knows your full of shit!
                    Sometimes when my wife says (threatens punishment) something to one of our kids, I ask her (with a smile). "Are you gonna follow through with that??" lol

                    Love your kids, enjoy them, spend time with them, change the diapers!

                    Don't give out parenting advice to friends or family! (unless they ask)


                      Ours went to daycare nice gramma kind of lady. My wife has a good career. We let boys do all sports or activities they wanted plus had to do swimming. We travel since they were three and five they know airports. Good friends and have to work for their money! Both in high schooldoing fine.

                      Suppers always sit down at table.

                      I think we did ok their happy healthy understand money and are street wise I guess that's all you can do!

                      They do make your world!


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