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Well its 90 Days till Seeding whats the crop of Choice and why?

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    Well its 90 Days till Seeding whats the crop of Choice and why?

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    Four our area you really only have a couple choices till the rains quit. Last years experiment with Durum again was a bad idea. Real bad idea. Lentils were two wet and most that had in area didn't do that well. Peas are hit and miss as they don't like wet feet. Canola heavy rain as its coming out of the ground in seedling and you have issues all year, really doesn't recover to give you a great crop. So a cereal, well Barley you may as well shoot your self in the foot as their is better odds of hitting your foot than getting malt barley. Games and more games in that market. Oats should be at three for fall and a strong three but they are sitting at 2,50 to 2.75. Wheat so far we haven't had a chance to lock in fall prices any where close to last years 7 to 6.50 this year its more like 6 to 6.25.

    So what does a farmer seed.

    Canola has costs that are approaching idiotic, it is the most expensive crop to grow. Wheat we can grow but with costs of chem fert and disease control getting out of hand again its a break even if you get less than 50. Which really sucks.

    It seems every one else gets a piece and farmers get the scraps. 2017 looks no different.

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    Excess rain again or even a back to normal rain pattern were one extra inch away from a wreck and its only January. Yes the winter again with min snow is actually nice, We have about 6 to 1 foot on all ground but the problem is last falls wet October that put the ground moisture back to excess.

    So even if you get it seeded this spring one huge two day soaker could set you back.

    So after long hard thinking and I still have time to revamp the acres it seems its back to basics in 17.

    Peas 1000
    Oats 500
    Barley 500
    Wheat 4000
    Canola 4000

    Canola down peas up oats back and wheat hold to little less.

    What are others thinking. 90 days and counting. Soy were taking a sabbatical maybe just 40 acre test sites

    I was planning going back to a somewhat more normal rotation where oats play a bigger part, ie; 20% of the rotation. But after talking to most around they are increasing oat acres dramatically. Unless I have some $2.90 targets hit I am keeping my oat acreage at 5%.

    Canola will remain at 40%, barley 40%, with the remainder filled in with some peas and soybeans for the first time.
    Last edited by JoeyJeremiah; Jan 30, 2017, 07:27.


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      Costs are always changing.

      Fuel/diesel/natural gas/ propane. All needed for farming from filling up equipment heating shops and dryers.
      price is higher in 2017.

      Anhydrous ammonia will be lower if pre bought but I'm thinking any extra needed or if a guy takes on extra land etc it will be as high as last spring or higher.

      Similar for granular and liquid. If you pre bought you might be less but if you decide to risk on some extra land the costs might be higher like last year.

      Seed is up on all crops from peas to canola to seed wheat. Ok seed wheat maybe a little lower than last year but good seed Durum higher.

      Sprays and disease control and round up all inching up again. BS rebate programs that if you take product A and D but miss product C and F your rebate is sweet F#$K all.

      Insecticide is up but again part in rebate program.

      Rent for some strange reason in our area is up with some new Saskatchewan residents and some others moving into area and think Lentils will work.

      So basically 2017 isn't going to be that cheap of a crop to grow and you need great yields to give a decent return. Welcome back to the 90s.

      Oh well hail insurance is cheaper. As I laugh the new one super company wants to stream line operations, ah that means less boots on ground higher premiums. Gars how is every ones big check from the Harvest from Hell 2016. Sure would like to here form farmers who actually had a nice amount.


        Same shit different sized piles....

        But maybe wall to wall durum!


          Joey the oats thing your probably right about. If we could get close to a 3 i will hit what i want to seed but its starting to look like oats number could be one thats realigned. Barley left a bad taste in lots of guys mouths. Traditional guys who grow malt will seed same acreage just because they always do.

          One note some long term CPS Red growers are bailing hundred percent on the wheat.


            SF3...."bailing" or "baling"? Both apply!


              you got me on that one.

              ha ha


                Canola always main crop here. Malt and peas more specialty in treatment, harvest risk etc. Don't dare have more than %25 max in either one of those. Wheat is our new summerfallow, grow it when cant grow anything else. Lucky to break even on wheat. Only real change last few years is small shift to cps and sws from hrs. Cattle guys still growing their feed but very few of those left. Just cant grow anything else here.
                Because of rotation this year, can-40%, whts-30%, malt/peas-15% each. Other years the can/wheat split opposite or m/p higher.


                  The weather has created or changed what guys can grow.

                  Like i said before i loved growing Durum but it is not a crop for us any more. Lentils were great in 80s for us and then the 90s hit and had to drop for peas but now peas maybe will have to drop acreage. Chick peas were great for one year and then the disease killed that one.

                  Corn im not harvesting in December. Wait almost did this year.

                  Soy still needs a few more generations of seed change.


                    No really SF3, It(CPS red) could've be so diseased with FHB that baling would make more sense.

                    We will have Canola, Wheat, Peas, Flax but the ratios aren't known for sure yet.

                    Depending on how I "shake out" with the durum cleaning thing... you never know I might be stoopid enough to plant it again. It is a bit of a game of averages. Three years ago--commercial salvage, two years ago it would have been perfect to seed some(but we didn't)--we had a mini drought, last year wasn't the best but not as bad as three years ago, maybe a good year this year? Risk!

                    Peas can be a wreck if aphanomyces rears it's ugly head... maybe take some advice from Furrowtickler and Klaus to try and help keep them healthy?

                    Yellow mustard isn't fitting into the rotation and who would care if the price is poor..... bin it and speculate!
                    It "cycles".

                    Soybeans.... jury is still out, and maybe I should try growing them and have trial by "judge" alone.

                    Blah blah blah....


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