Tweety, talked to Skyfire energy yesterday. 10000 watt system grid tie roof mount 26000 dollars installed. In my case due to my yard layout I require a ground mount, 32000 installed. Now they are quoting an in city installation my would cost slightly more due to travel costs as I am 190 km from Edmonton. Now I just signed a 5 year contract at 6.79 cents a kwh. A 10000 watt system should average 1200 kwh per month in my area or 14400 per year. 14400 x 6.79 cents is 977.76 dollars. 32000/977.79 = 32.72 years. Now this is without financing costs or allowing for the increasing cost of electricity over time, I am willing to bet the two will cancel each other out. In Saskatchewan same system, 14400 x 11.2 cent per kwh = 1612.8. 32000/1612.8 = 19.84 years.
Tweety why do I hate Solar power? Actually I don't, I hate the load of bullshit I am being sold by politicians on how this is our climatic salvation. They increase my taxes, shut down a dependable affordable source of power in this cold climate then they can't do fricking math. So actually I don't hate solar power I hate the NDP and Justin Trudeau. By the way is my math wrong?
Tweety why do I hate Solar power? Actually I don't, I hate the load of bullshit I am being sold by politicians on how this is our climatic salvation. They increase my taxes, shut down a dependable affordable source of power in this cold climate then they can't do fricking math. So actually I don't hate solar power I hate the NDP and Justin Trudeau. By the way is my math wrong?