Really boys who is shocked! Oil dropped out of site! Potash is so down it's not even worth talking about!
Business is cutting back and farming ain't that great!
So yea a deficit!
Not one like ding bat in Alberta created with spend spend not like boy wonder where a budget can't balance it self or Ontario, well their just Greece!
So yea we have a deficit in sask!
Under the NDP we would of been broke and still have shitty roads no schools, etc but the NDP would of had more civil servants to help us cope!
Useless topic
Business is cutting back and farming ain't that great!
So yea a deficit!
Not one like ding bat in Alberta created with spend spend not like boy wonder where a budget can't balance it self or Ontario, well their just Greece!
So yea we have a deficit in sask!
Under the NDP we would of been broke and still have shitty roads no schools, etc but the NDP would of had more civil servants to help us cope!
Useless topic