We just found that being in gars and crop insurance was not the right thing for us .
2013 we got zero from gars and $85,000 from crop insurance @60%
If we were in full top up with gars it still would have been zero . Full crop insurance would have been a payout closer to $200,000.
We just seen it as we can not loose 1/3 of our net income these days with no coverage because 2 other crops kept our head afloat . Again even if we topped up from gars - we would have got zero .
One can not just keep your head afloat any more.
Unless you have far better financial background, ie big money coming in from outside every day farm revenues , ie inherited money or oil money that loosing 1/3 of your gross revenue is not an issue.
Not sure if that makes any sense but that's what our experience was .
Every farm will / may be different.
2013 we got zero from gars and $85,000 from crop insurance @60%
If we were in full top up with gars it still would have been zero . Full crop insurance would have been a payout closer to $200,000.
We just seen it as we can not loose 1/3 of our net income these days with no coverage because 2 other crops kept our head afloat . Again even if we topped up from gars - we would have got zero .
One can not just keep your head afloat any more.
Unless you have far better financial background, ie big money coming in from outside every day farm revenues , ie inherited money or oil money that loosing 1/3 of your gross revenue is not an issue.
Not sure if that makes any sense but that's what our experience was .
Every farm will / may be different.