I beleive the Aztecs may have used charcoal as well.
But again, what specific soil #s does it aid for $5 - $10/ ac.
Not skeptical necessarily, just that every fringe product for my whole career has same sound.
Neighbors put exhaust carbon back into furrow as well (without fert) but that was a joke. Cows cant live on farts alone.
Local humate salesman hasnt a degree in ditchdigging and has no concrete answers.
If your soil or moisture #s are the limiter??
50lbs Calcium carbonate in seed row adjusts ph and does same? Shit I dont know.
Half my soil solonetzic base at 5.5 ph.
But again, what specific soil #s does it aid for $5 - $10/ ac.
Not skeptical necessarily, just that every fringe product for my whole career has same sound.
Neighbors put exhaust carbon back into furrow as well (without fert) but that was a joke. Cows cant live on farts alone.
Local humate salesman hasnt a degree in ditchdigging and has no concrete answers.
If your soil or moisture #s are the limiter??
50lbs Calcium carbonate in seed row adjusts ph and does same? Shit I dont know.
Half my soil solonetzic base at 5.5 ph.