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Canamera Foods pricing

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    Canamera Foods pricing

    Just for information, anyone considering selling canola to Canamera. Canamera will give you a current October price but they are not buying any at that current price. I wanted to deliver some but was told Nov 19 was the soonest I could deliver. Very misleading on Canamera's part. 160 more tonne for Cargill

    Is it unreasonable in a world of just in time shipping/minimal on site storage that a company would have their supplies booked a month out? Putting the shoe on the other foot, how far ahead of seeding do most farmers book their fertilizer needs? Would you be willing to buy fertilizer on a spot basis?

    Just checking - is the premium over others 160 or 16. You have my heart rate up.


      Allfarmer. What was the basis difference between each company. Canaameras must have been good, but the problem was delivery?


        One thing you have to remember is they still need a spot price for unpriced canola.


          Only with freight assistance Canamera was a better price. Without they were 8 cents/bu under. I feel I am in the business of producing a crop not storing crop.


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