i never watched it. but please how is he going to give it to the establishment.
a 10% increase in military spending.
more like feeding them.
more of the same , say one thing , do another.
just like obama, eight years nothing changed.
bitch about crazy terrorists chopping off heads , yet death comes from drone strikes,
invisible foes , 7000 miles away.
if trumps infrastructure spending going to rise 10%
what is he a damn socialist.
but it is ok if he does it. what !!!
and since when did the original proponents of globalisation ,
become protectionists.
as for the $ wasted on iraq, that was a conservative thing.
Bernie sanders and Chretien were the only ones against it.
yes it wasted . now you see it !!! amazing
How short is a conservatives memory, anyway.
other people do actually remember things , like more than 2 minutes ago.
an affliction , conservatives do not suffer
make up mind, are you protectionist or in favor of trade ?
right or wrong , normally it was the left , opposed to globalisation .
now it is you. WTF.
the war was your idea , now it is bad ?
a 10% increase in military spending.
more like feeding them.
more of the same , say one thing , do another.
just like obama, eight years nothing changed.
bitch about crazy terrorists chopping off heads , yet death comes from drone strikes,
invisible foes , 7000 miles away.
if trumps infrastructure spending going to rise 10%
what is he a damn socialist.
but it is ok if he does it. what !!!
and since when did the original proponents of globalisation ,
become protectionists.
as for the $ wasted on iraq, that was a conservative thing.
Bernie sanders and Chretien were the only ones against it.
yes it wasted . now you see it !!! amazing
How short is a conservatives memory, anyway.
other people do actually remember things , like more than 2 minutes ago.
an affliction , conservatives do not suffer
make up mind, are you protectionist or in favor of trade ?
right or wrong , normally it was the left , opposed to globalisation .
now it is you. WTF.
the war was your idea , now it is bad ?