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Drainage is a topic again being discussed in Saskatchewan.

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    Drainage is a topic again being discussed in Saskatchewan.

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    Why is this even a topic. The quill lakes are not getting bigger because farmers are draining water. All manitoba farmers wake the hell up. Rainfall in Sask the last 15 years has more than doubled. Yes rain from the sky and once every beaver dam, slough, dugout, creek, lake, pond or what ever else that holds water is full guess what a three inch rain and water runs.

    Are people, politicians, farmers, that fracking nuts that they cant see that weather is the cause of all the water moving from Saskatchewan.

    Our farm use to see about 6 inches of rain in a average summer, The drought years maybe three to four. So when you take that number to 12 to 16 inches and every single slough is full, water runs. Didn't any of you morons ever play in the Fracking mud and make water run. Guess what once a puddle is full it runs to the next lowest area. Dah.

    This isn't brain surgery.

    Yes farmers do drain and roads changed the world but roads changed the world since the Romans first figured them out.

    Why is it ok for Europe and USA and every other country of the world to help farmers get the most from every acre yet in Good old Canada we cant get our shit together because why would we let one farmer move ahead and not help every one. God dam NDP mentality all together or nothing.

    This province should grow a set and set the department of AG up as a stand alone provincial water shed. What has been done up till midnight Dec 31 2017 is grandfathered in. You cant go back in history and try to redo it. It happened its done. Fine guys for work that was done on their farm from 1963 or earlier is total fracking bullshit.

    But back to what i see, Tile is a option that should be considered and allowed. Ever look at a field in USA or Europe they don't have very many fields that have Bull shit sloughs etc. Yes holding ponds etc. We are in the business of growing food and its high time food was priority and not last thing to pack before we head out.

    Proper drainage to creeks to holding ponds to lakes to rivers etc. All should be discussed but looking at the past is a total case of horse shit. In todays leader post some jack ass Manitoba farmer is crying about all the water from Saskatchewan flooding his farm. Really look at how much extra rain we have had over 15 years or more and once every thing is full guess what genius water is going to move to your are. Welcome to reality of excess rain.

    I don't like the rain and am totally sick of how much we get but its the new reality and we have to deal with it.

    Quit blaming farmers for whats coming from one thing R A I N!

    Drainage the topic that some just cant figure out.

    There are still some assholes out there SF3....

    I fully understand what you are saying but there should be a regulator.

    And I am not sure the conservation agencies are innocent or helping like they proclaim.


      I think if the Sask Water Authority had it's way the whole Province would be divided up into it's appropriate watersheds and Conservation and Development projects would be put in place. Yes, methodical controlled drainage---not pulling the plug on the bathtub and letting it go all at once. C&Ds don't allow you to let the water go willy-nilly. So if you think you are going to drain in a C&D and be able to seed corner to corner every year you will be sorely disappointed! Then to top the whole ****ing thing off you are controlled by yet another level of "government" lower than the municipality! Made up of local people with agendas and grudges..... good ****ing luck!--and even more luck than usual when it comes to water drainage! C&D boards have allot of power.... make sure you know full well what you're "signing up" for before you consider joining or "agreeing" to establish a C&D. Get a hold of the "Act" and "Regulations" governing these before you ever sign a petition to get one established. I signed on "thinking" it was a good idea until it read the "Act". Real easy to get in--onerous and nearly impossible to get out of one! the fellow peddling this idea here never told the whole story, everyone only heard the word drainage and got a big hard-on and said sign me up! READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ACT AND REGULATIONS BEFORE YOU AGREE TO ANYTHING! You can be annexed into a C&D against your will once it is established if the board thinks you are benefiting from it. You can be forced to install controls to "hold" water back and release it only when it won't negatively affect someone else down stream and then likely only in a "controlled manner".
      Last edited by farmaholic; Mar 11, 2017, 10:14.


        A big problem would be RMS and councillors telling farmers how things should be done. Most Rms have guys on them that have no clue because no one wanted to run so local guy with nothing better to do runs and gets in by acclamation. Then lets drainage be a issue that he thinks he understands. Or cant let joe drain because he might get 6 more acres and i cant drain because my sloughs are sink holes so no way in hell joe is going to drain.

        Look all over the place only canada has sloughs funny isn't it. ND all way south tile or holding ponds and all is good. None of this bullshit i get ahead of my neighbour that happens in canada.

        R A I N in excess is the problem and god how come brain damaged guys cant figure that out.


          why would any farmers be worried if they followed rules.Not hard to tell with the eye in the sky who is to blame.Blame the rainfall but since when are ditches made for dry years.


            New guy what year were roads started in Europe ah the romans so yes we have ditches for a very long time. But oh for snow a flat road would be blocked in one storm. Ditches are for more than just water.

            Start with a smart program that begins this spring with drainage, tile or ditch, to holding ponds dams etc to rivers and down stream.

            Its time for bull shit to stop. Excess rain created the problem and once all the holding ponds in Saskatchewan are full you get water that moves.

            The guy in manitoba probably wasn't complaining in 1980s when he could farm river bottom from one end to the other with small amount of water running buy.

            R A I N created it now lets get our shit together and do it right.


              For every acre gained there is a acre lost some where..Heard another 2 ft higher and the Quill Lakes will go south naturally..Can't believe there was not a track hoe out there to help it go south along time a go..


                They could be feeding the potash mines with the water from the quill lakes....instead they will pull clean water from the saskatchewan rivers.

                Stagnating waters isn't a good idea...


                  When the Big quills spilled into long lake years ago no track hoe except excess rain that filled them and they flooded naturally down stream.


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                    New guy what year were roads started in Europe ah the romans so yes we have ditches for a very long time. But oh for snow a flat road would be blocked in one storm. Ditches are for more than just water.

                    Start with a smart program that begins this spring with drainage, tile or ditch, to holding ponds dams etc to rivers and down stream.

                    Its time for bull shit to stop. Excess rain created the problem and once all the holding ponds in Saskatchewan are full you get water that moves.

                    The guy in manitoba probably wasn't complaining in 1980s when he could farm river bottom from one end to the other with small amount of water running buy.

                    R A I N created it now lets get our shit together and do it right.
                    I agree with you it is for the most part bs. Most of the ditching done is maintenance work keeping sloughs to historical levels, once a slough is full it will run ditch or no ditch. There is also some major slough draining going on. I am not sure where the line should be drawn.

                    In MB the government is cracking down on drainage big time. In some areas it is hard to even maintain what is already there. Other areas Like the Red River valley for example guys have no issues putting in as much tile as they want and moving dirt as they please.


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