So far this winter has been perfect for our area min snow. Unfortunately the last few storms have had wind and any slough with a Cat Tail is full to the brim. Run off from land will just soak in but the sloughs will fill with snow pack and run to creeks. One spring storm with heavy snow or heavy rain and game plan three is introduced.
So with 45 days left to go have plans changed, On our farm yes a bit.
I think the USA wheat crop is way smaller than they are saying and its really growing fast and ahead of normal so a Easter weekend or early april Frost cold snap or snow would have a dramatic effect on the crop.
4000 acres hrs we need the filler Barley has been a Dud. Malt is a joke and Oats should be over three all the time with our dollar at 33% discount. Funny the yards at Quaker were all Canadian rail cars. Cheap supplier i guess.
Durum 200 at most probably 100 because i just cant give up the drug.
Canola at 4800 as we have only one crop we can use as a specialty crop and unfortunately canola pays the bills. Ground is ready to go back to this number.
Peas i am dropping back to 600 acres do to the problems with India. It is a joke what they are doing but when your a buyer you can joke around when the supply is good or great. When it gets tight then you panic. Use contract we have and just fill it with a little left for seed if have hail on one someone would fill for price used. Better than selling rest at $6.00.
Lentils zero and zero, cant grow them any more with all moisture and india really scares me.
Flax none as i hate to grow it.
Oats 300 for shits and giggles.
Barley malt down because just sick and tired of shipping cow boys plump nice barley for feed. 300 acres.