People now days have no morals no decency in general. Kids that are growing up now are complete ass holes, because spoiled parents raised them. That's why governments don't want so many people
Living out on the farms. They want us big farmers that can afford security systems.
Society cannot afford to have police out in the rural areas. It's fend for yourselves.
If you re a son of a bi--h that has the nerve to come to one of my yardsights with a loaded up vehicle of drunks to steal you fkrs made that choice I didn't put the gun to your head to come disrespect me working for my money by stealing but I sure As hell will put one to your head once you've decided to make that choice.
Court system protects the crooks so just skip it. Send the ambulance.
Living out on the farms. They want us big farmers that can afford security systems.
Society cannot afford to have police out in the rural areas. It's fend for yourselves.
If you re a son of a bi--h that has the nerve to come to one of my yardsights with a loaded up vehicle of drunks to steal you fkrs made that choice I didn't put the gun to your head to come disrespect me working for my money by stealing but I sure As hell will put one to your head once you've decided to make that choice.
Court system protects the crooks so just skip it. Send the ambulance.